I guess I'll start...post your picture!

At this moment, Lee wonders to himself how good of a driver one could be while snapping photos of oneself.

Remember, that's Chicago. He had probably been stopped still in traffic for at least 15 minutes before taking that picture. In fact, he probably finished his Taco Bell take-out, read a chapter in a book, and then called his stock brocker to see how much money he lost on Tuesday before remembering that he could take a picture with his phone. All while moving ahead 20 yards.

So don't worry about his driving :)
I am a VERY good driver!!!
(Except for the time I almost killed myself and Bob's brother on the way back from a KISS show up in Milwaukee quite a while back - though it was VERY icy).
We spun my camaro around a full 360°, almost hitting a cop who was standing on the side of the road!!!!

Ironically, we had Manowar's "Wheels of Fire" playing.....

I was going to give you crap about your picture, but that seems to have been covered!

I had a lovely spin out on the way to a show too, though I wasn't driving. A friend and I were going up to DeKalb a few years back to see The Reverend Horton Heat. We were on 88 and it was raining pretty hard. My friend was going about 70. I suggested to him that he might want to slow down. Not 30 seconds after I said that, we hydroplaned and spun at least three times ending up in the grassy ditch/median. How the hell we didn't get killed is still beyond me. There were cars around us. I think I used one of my 18 lives that day. :erk:
Here's another pic of me.
Driving home from work, being all metal.
Jamming out to AGALLOCH...

Hmmm.... one hand taking a picture and the other throwing the horns.... So, what are you steering with? You're not related to Tommy Lee, are you? :lol:
