or or.. when youre having the best dream that youre like oh man i do NOT want this to end.. what happens? something wakes you up.. then its like shit shit shit!! i wanna fall back asleep quick.. but by the time you do fall back asleep, you start dreaming something else that sucks.
ever had a dream where you wake up fully conscious in what seems to be a whole other dimension but youre full on stuck to the ground like fly paper?
once i 'woke up' in what seemed like another planet.. the sky was pink/purplish, there were two HUGE moons over the water, and it was on this street by a boardwalk.. and i was lying in the street (but not in the middle of the road, where the cars park on the side of the road) looking around trying to get up.. and people were walking past and staring at me, and cars were going past all staring at me.. i couldnt move, i could only look around helplessly at where i was.. and the harder i tried to get up, the more it pushed me back down through the pavement then i thought i will just relax, and see if that unsticks me.. but it didnt, it just made me wake up in real life..

.. all this and i dont even use drugs, woo hoo..
then once i 'woke up' the same way, full on stuck to the ground unable to move but with absolute free conscious thought.. but it was night and it was like in the shipping area of a wharf, and there was this very scary man all in black, could hardly see him because it was so dark but he was there for me and i got really scared and willed myself to wake up..and i did.
i really do think dreams are a good way to think up stories..you cant make up shit like this, its too bizarre.