I had four beers, I have one left.

Should I drink the last beer now?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • Yes!

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • Yes!

    Votes: 4 25.0%
  • No! Yes!

    Votes: 4 25.0%

  • Total voters
Erik said:
An alcoholic beverage must satisfy at least one of the following criteria for me to drink it:

A) Tastes good or
B) Gets you fucking loaded

Wine does not fulfill either criterion, QED. Therefore, I don't drink it.

I can pretty much agree to that. Myself, I can enjoy the flavours of some wines... but I have to say that Whisky or Genuine Draft would be my drink of choice, dominating all.
Marksveld, I stared at your avatar for a few seconds with no reaction. Then read the "WTF is right." title. For a few more seconds, no reaction. Then came the hideous laughter. Brilliant.

I wish I had some beer.
One Inch Man said:
Marksveld, I stared at your avatar for a few seconds with no reaction. Then read the "WTF is right." title. For a few more seconds, no reaction. Then came the hideous laughter. Brilliant.

I wish I had some beer.

in case you are wondering, that is me about a week ago. I have a joke band "Beef Wind" with my friend, and a lot of the music is focused around Gnomes and their supreme glory... thus the gnome. I don't really look like that.
NicodemiX said:


This thread ROXORXOXOORXXX:rock:
I probably will too. I just spent 45 minutes digging in a dumpster (somebody tossed some important paperwork yesterday, thank fuck I found it) and I'm about to watch Naked Lunch the movie which will more than likely require whiskey. Better not launch any bottle rockets off my patio, there's currently a christmas tree farm just over the wall.
Don't watch the movie, read the book. I have both, and pleeeeeaaase trust me.

I've been pissing in a 2 liter Mountian Dew bottle seeing that my only bathroom is on 1st floor and I'm on 2nd. :lol:
I've read the book man, loved it. I want to see how it translates, I know about 75% of it won't be able to. :Smokedev:

When I left my hotel in NYC I left behind about 10 litres of piss in bottles because I didn't feel like walking down the hall to the bathroom. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
I've read the book man, loved it. I want to see how it translates, I know about 75% of it won't be able to. :Smokedev:

When I left my hotel in NYC I left behind about 10 litres of piss in bottles because I didn't feel like walking down the hall to the bathroom. :loco:
LOL. That's fucking awesome. I would have just pissed on the walkway but seeing that it is my home and I'm on 2nd floor, I am not about to piss out my fucking window. :lol:

hahaha you drunk bastard. Man, FUCK stairs. No way could I get a two story house unless I had a damn elevator. People thought I was nuts to get a downstairs apartment and I said "fuck you! You think this bum knee wants to carry 500 lbs. of music and camping equipment up and down some shits every other week!" :zombie: