I hate idealistic young leftists

Jun 19, 2003
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Few things are more annoying, indeed more loathsome, than the idealistic young left-winger. They are found in America, the UK, Australia, and also in continental Europe. Invariably the product of affluence...
Here are some ways in which you might identify them:

--Che Guevara t-shirts
--an avowed hatred of 'western materialism and greed' (utttered through fast food-fed lips whilst sitting in Daddy's Mercedes SUV, naturally)
--the dreaded VW van
--ever-present "ethnic" drum

The great irony is that leftists/socialists are more racist than right-wingers (who are supposed to be THE racists of all racists); leftists are so utterly condescending to minorities and third-world people. When they decide to 'help' the 'less fortunate' it is some pet project to them. It is only because of the Great White Hope that such people will be 'saved'. "Oh, it's our duty to help these people..." Only a sense of misplaced guilt motivates these people, instead of genuine concern and understanding of other cultures/groups.

Most of them do grow up, fortunately, when they realise that socialism and leftist politics=nonsense.
Vinz from 'La Haine' said:
Most of them do grow up, fortunately, when they realise that socialism and leftist politics=nonsense.
i get your point. a famous/infamous danish comedian named jacob haugaard once said something like this: "if youre not a socialist when youre young, you dont have a heart. if youre not a conservative when youre old, you dont have a brain."

he actually later got elected to the danish parliament, but thats another story.
Yeah, although happily generalizing, there's something to it, "invariably the products of affluence", I like that, haha. Like my anarchist acquaintance, he bought a pair of expensive Levi's slippers, and then cut the labels out with a blade, saying he's not gonna promote the brand, and he took a huff when I asked why the fuck did he buy them in the first place then, pfff.
It's only natural for right wingers to mount attacks against the left, and, of course, vice versa. I find little to be gained by criticising left wing ideals when they alone have basically been the stalwart of human rights and everything that is good in international relations. Can you imagine a world where apartheid still reigns in South Africa, India et al are still at the mercy of the Raj, and the US still uses slavery?

But then again, people see what they want to see, right?
As far as I can see there was no attack on the left wing or left-wing policies, anyway, social welfare policies don't necessarily come from the left wing. What you say there is too black-and-white for me, "they alone have basically been the stalwart of human rights and everything that is good in international relations", considering only present-day Hungary and its stupid left-wing rule it's bullshit.
Nah, I don't see a general bashing of left winged brains either, it's about a hypocritical trend which seems to be particularly common in student circles around here. I think it has become less en vogue over the last years though. I don't really care as long as they don't try to impose their contradictory behaviour on me, they can buy themselves as much anticommercial merchandise as they want, whatever floats your boat. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with real political goals or compassion for the needy most of the time, too often it amounts to self celebratory shit that fades with age and wealth, ironically acquired by their studies. Still, I have certain sympathies for the "real" lefties.
Vinz from 'La Haine' said:
--Che Guevara t-shirts
Summer 2003 my friend wore a Che Guevara t-shirt to the grocery store. But it was OK because of my USA Basketball shirt, and me completely beating him to finding the tortilla wraps. FREEDOM WINS!
EdenKriss said:
i get your point. a famous/infamous danish comedian named jacob haugaard once said something like this: "if youre not a socialist when youre young, you dont have a heart. if youre not a conservative when youre old, you dont have a brain."

he actually later got elected to the danish parliament, but thats another story.
Winston Churchill said something very similar to that, "If you arent a democrat when your young, you have no heart, if your not a conservative when you are older, you have no brain".

hmmm, I wonder who ripped who off?
why do we need groups; why do we need left-wing versus right-wing?

you say left-wingers indulge in self-celebration? right-wingers do too, look at this thread...

materialism and greed are not just "western" btw
Please specify who you qualify as "right wing" here.

And it wasn't about left-wingers, but about poser kiddos with an anti-globalization Levis-buyer attitude.

If I think about that friend of mine, he also had a Michel Foucault sticker on his wallet, and was so happy about it, so...
oe said:
Winston Churchill said something very similar to that, "If you arent a democrat when your young, you have no heart, if your not a conservative when you are older, you have no brain".

hmmm, I wonder who ripped who off?

When Charles Manson was asked by a reporter if he believed in the left or right wing politics he stated "left, right, who cares? You need both wings to fly."

What a kook.