I hate Melbourne

You are right 9mm!

All hail the land of milk and honey that is utopia, purveyors of fine metal and theres a really beautiful woman that i saw working behind the counter once, lovely dark hair....... :D
Melbourne rocks :D

Yep lots of JBs :) In fact I bought Guns N Roses - Appetetite For Destruction at the city JB today for $9.99 Hehehe.

They also had:
Dio - Holy Diver $13
Anthrax - Among The Living $13
Kiss - Double Platinum - $10
Manowar - Battle Hymns $13
Black Sabbath - Paranoid, S/T, Master Of Reality, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Sabotage, Heaven & Hell, Volume 4... $12 each

and lots more :) What a shop hehe.

Not to mention we have Metal Mayhem! Who sell things like Demons & Wizards digipak for $29 (rather than $50+), Iced Earth - Days Of Purgatory 2CD for $42 (rather than $50+), etc...

Oh yeah and Tokyo Warhearts is $28-29 at Metal Mayhem I think.
No i wouldnt mark, trust me!

Maybe women are different in the other states, but here in NSW she wouldnt piss on me if i was on fire (so to speak :) )

My apologies to anyone i offended with that remark :)
No offence taken. By me, anyway.

Kiama is still the King Of All Places.
We might be a small township best known for our 35 retirement villages, the Blowhole, and the Pink Post Office (really!), but the main advantage is
1) We are 90 minutes drive from Sydney - far enough away not to be dragged under by the populus, and
2) We are only 90 minutes drive from Utopia!!

And yes, I was born here.:rolleyes:
I like Kiama! Nice and quiet, an excellent Italian restaurant, and drunken dickheads who kick out the windows of the police station (yes, I saw it!).

One of the best little places I've been to.

Give me Wollongong over any of those places any day, thank you very much! Close enough to be convenient, far enough away not to be paying ludicrous house/rent prices and get caught up with the major city bullshit (violence/traffic/smog/Youth Day, etc.).
bah you guys have the fucken humidity from hell and everyone ends a sentence in "aye" heh heh

or ending them with "but" so you wait for them to say something else.

In all honesty, I prefer Melbourne over Sydney and most other places.
would happily live their if I had to leave Canberra.

Haven't been to Brisbane in about 8 years and never sober but despise the heat that they have up there, plus my father is there, so another reason not to go.

Perth is cool but so far to get to stuff but they would've fixed it since I was last there.
Fremantle > Perth, sorry.
Love Freo. Fucking awesome place and you get that beautiful breeze in Summer.

Adelaide is like a big Canberra but with crazier drivers and more ghettos.
The serial killing is cool though.

Darwin is nice apart from the humidity and the heat.

Hobart: great place, shame about a lot of the people.
was born there and visit every few years, so that's good enough for me.
but a lovely looking city. too hilly to walk through though.

Well, that's my rating on things.

I am very much used to Canberra and it's quiet nature.
Don't like places bigger and love the open nature of it.

give me a town over a city any day.:rock: