I hate Melbourne

The humidity in Brisbane isn't bad though, I don't get why people go on about it.

In summer it hardly gets over 35 degrees. It is more humid than other places, but it's not overly humid. Try Cairns if you want to see FUCKED humidity.

I moved here from the driest place in the world (country SA) and have never had a problem with the humidity here.

Bunch of pussies :P
the best weather ,

bah, whaddya talking about? Four seasons in one day does actually get quite annoying after a while :Smug: And I've only been down there twice, and both times the weather pissed me off :heh:

I don't mind Sydney, but stay out of the busier parts. Icky.

Canberra. It just seems really grey down there, the vibe just isn't good.
Melbourne's a rockin' place to live, but I like Sydney and Brisbane as well. I'd happily live in Brisbane if I could move my family and St Kilda FC up there. Or fly back for every match.
4 years ago, we preferred Sydney over Brisbane (after 2 years in London; thought Brisbane was 'too quiet - boring!').

This year, we preferred Brisbane over Sydney (after 6 years in London; thought Brisbane was 'too quiet - lovely!') :)

Amazing what living in a megacity for a few years will do to change your perspective.

Never been to Melbourne, thought Adelaide (when I went 12 years ago for a weekend) was just... Adelaide..., but I do like Canberra for the day or so I've spent there :)

Still like Sydney but only if I could live right beside the harbour. :lol: