I have 12000 posts on here

Look at my postcount, does it seems like I spend too much time on the internet? :p Comapred to others who arrived here after me, I dont think so :lol:
Steve said:
Why do you all still spend so much time on the internet?

I heard that most clever ppl in the US were from Connecticut. But I guess you are just gay. Or figure it out :loco:

Siren said:

Don't cry! I am no better than you! I worked all day indoors, and I am home, staying inside, even though it's warm outside! I could go walking, riding my bicycle, etc... but no. I chose my laptop !:Smug:
Geeks can be cool. Just think about it: who make those awesome and gory games like Unreal Tournament? Geeks. Who kills you over and over again in games? Geeks. Who make those shiny special effects seen in Lord of the Rings and the Matrix? Geeks. And ultimately, who made those nuclear bombs? You know the answer to that.

Geeks. :p