I just cut my hair!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Actually I just trimmed the split ends haha. But they were big and my hair feels really short now, even though it was only a couple of inches off :( Hopefully because I trimmed it though it will grow twice as fast as it was and get back around that length in a few weeks and then keep growing so it can be reaaaaaaally long.

I think I just have to look after it better and keep trimming the split ends more regularly so it doesn't become the dead non-growing thing I had.

Anyway, I'll end this post now. I think I've just won "Most pointless thread of the year" award, hooray! :lol:

(It wouldn't have been very glam to cut it short now would it haha.... not without recording a few hit albums then falling victim to the grunge movement first anyway) :lol:
i decided last night that im gonna start growing my hair. Ive had it really short (almost bald) for a few years now but ive decided long hair is the way to go! wish me luck!!!.......

Trimming... I haven't trimmed mine since I started growing it 12 months ago... which probably explains why it is only 20cm long...

I should get a trim, but the hairdresser would probably accidently cut more off than I want... and then I would be really pissed off... and sad...

I'll just let it keep growing...
Once I become rich enough not to have to work ever again I'm going to start growing my hair long. Being a curly-haired fellow makes it tough, though.
Originally posted by Soilworker

Trimming... I haven't trimmed mine since I started growing it 12 months ago... which probably explains why it is only 20cm long...

I should get a trim, but the hairdresser would probably accidently cut more off than I want... and then I would be really pissed off... and sad...

I'll just let it keep growing...

you have to trim the split ends off for it to continue to grow..
I just had mine cut short because it curls up and looks ridiculous whenever it gets past a certain length. I might grow my sideburns (and possibly a goatee) to make up for it though.

My record with facial hair is less than impressive so far. Here's hoping my luck changes :).

I don't have much luck with facial hair either but I don't care, I can't look like a pretty boy glam rocker if I have a goatie hehe :D