I like tea.

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Tea!!! definitively!!!!
old grey, english breakfast, red, black, every day, at my job and at my home, in my big mug, it's a half litre mug, with and without sugar!!!
Tea has become a daily part of my life.Out of all that I have tried I would say so far the white/green tea combo is my favorite.
And yes Asians do have a lower rate of cancer and green tea is said to have many phyto-nutrients.The other factor may be that they don't overconsume meat?
I love both... But if I had to choose? Hmm.... Black Tea, "Four Red" with a boatload of lemon and some sugar in it ^^
I hate the taste of coffee unless its drowned in somethings else...tea is ok if you have the right kind

I like coffee. tea is too weak on the caffine.

Actually, tea generally contains pretty much the same amount caffeine as coffee. You've only gone and stated an opinion as fact without doing the most rudimentary of research!

Actually, tea generally contains pretty much the same amount caffeine as coffee. You've only gone and stated an opinion as fact without doing the most rudimentary of research!


You're pretty new to be slinging this kind of shit around. You haven't made a post yet that has been worth a squirt of piss. Stop trying to be the biggest dick you can be with each post.
Actually, tea generally contains pretty much the same amount caffeine as coffee. You've only gone and stated an opinion as fact without doing the most rudimentary of research!

You C**T.

I don't think that sort of language is called for.

I amazed your still a member, if it was up to me you would be out.
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