I like tits

LadyValerie said:
I have tits. Two of 'em.

hahaha, awww, no dude you're mistaken, i may be deffending him, but he can deffend himself, it's just that i notice a low I.Q.... i can tell by the answers you gave me, so...

you didn't know what to answer...

you've been PWNED!!!


If you consider 135 low thats fine...

im just gonna to ignore the rest of your little rants cause your just going to blurt out insults you hav no proof of:Spin:
The Soulforged said:
back on subject,my personal opinion tits, i don't like them too big nor too small. anythin ranging in the middle to upper B cup is a perfect handful. If there is more than a handful what are you going to do with them.

So, you've got small hands, huh..?
Anyways, I love them too, especially my own tits :D
War_Blade said:
If you consider 135 low thats fine...

im just gonna to ignore the rest of your little rants cause your just going to blurt out insults you hav no proof of:Spin:

You might want to make sure you type your sentence correctly when you decide to mention that your IQ is 135.
MegustaMucho said:
Leandro, come to MSN, we have to talk about our project :S

i want win money too :erk:

BloodyScalpel said:
vitor, put the LoTR thing back in your sig.


vida nova... sig nova ( coisa de emo, se é que vc me intende uhauhau)

se quiser pode usar :p