
yes, tities there as well ...

i like these light hearted horror flicks ... they look like they were a blast to make
Cabin Fever is a lot of fun, with some GREAT tits. Then when she shaves her legs... hahaha + :ill: + :kickass:
dude ... i rented The Haunting ... the orginal ...that stuff was mediocre at best ... what was so great about it?
lurch70 said:
dude ... i rented The Haunting ... the orginal ...that stuff was mediocre at best ... what was so great about it?
If you have to ask, I guess you'll never know. :loco:

Nah I really like the fact that it's psychologically creepy instead of overtly gory. It's mostly just the end that I'm so fond of, I'd honestly take a lot of horror movies over it. Comparative math is simply used for being needlessly combative. :loco:
There's going to come a day where an entire thread will only be Changequotefixed things and nobody will know what anyone agrees or disagrees with, and on this day, The RC Messiah shall be born.

Coke is the same as Pepsi, wake up people!!!
Reign in Acai said:
I may rent this just for the tits. Particularly hers...

Yes. If you find this attractive in the slightest. :)
Reign in Acai said:
Cabin Fever stands directly behind House of a 1000 corpses as one of the worst horror films ever made.
Wrong Turn was pretty shit too. I've only seen shitty horror movies, because thats what comes on when I go to sleep, plus Im too pussy to see the good ones.