I love you all, man.

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A Reason To Sing

The tomato is a fruit
Nov 28, 2005
Bay Area, California U.S.
Many of the metalheads I've met are some of the most amazing human beings on the face of this planet. Very smart, positive thinkers, and willing to take a chance. Despite all the stereo-types, and all that shit the media may spread about the metal community, it's a fact that this genre is home to some beautiful music, and to some great minds.

A cheer for all my fellow wicked metal heads!:headbang:

Now listening to : Character By Dark Tranquillity.
Agreed. Not only have I always been welcomed with open arms, but have done the same to many others. I love how open-minded you all are. And this isn't just Metalheads. There does seem to be a pull towards this genre of music for these kind of people however. None of my close friends listen to metal, but although I hate to say it, their mentality on things are very simple-minded and stubborn.

But to be more on topic, I think that its great a minority such as ourselves can come together and form a great community of intellectuals and Metal listeners.
Yeah guys, we do indeed rock.

That being said, this probably suits a chat-forum better. Not to belittle what you have said, BUT I'm gonna lock this.
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