I made my mother listen to Opeth

dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
<or My Hippie Mother is Insulting Death Metal pt.2>
We were getting ready to leave to pick my sister up from a friend's house and when we got into my mother's car,I put Opeth's Blackwater Park on the stereo.I told her that she might like to hear some of their music because there are great melodies on some songs and the guitar playing is amazing,since she's plays guitar and pften listens to some of my cds to play the music back on her guitar.I had to tell her to get over the death metal,since she's always complaining about me listening to death metal.So she listened to some of the songs,said stuff like "How can you listen to all of that growling?" and I almost had to twist her arm to make her say anything positive.All she said was "It was good" and "At least it's decent."Then we pick my 10 yr.old sister up from her friend's house and she(my sister)turns on her rap/pop radio station and this rap song comes on w/a chorus something like"It's gettin'hot in here,so take off all your clothes/I am getting so hot,I wanna take my clothes off"And the kid is singing along to this shit.Normally I don't mind the music itself,though I do think it's stupid.But my mother,who is so worried about me always listening to music that "brainwashes"me into not believeing in god,doesn't even give a damn that her 10yr.old kid is hearing this and more rap songs w/lyrics like that about sex,sex and more sex.So,I guess that means that metal lyrics w/profanity and about death and not believing in god that a 14yr.old is listening to are less appropriate than rap lyrics about all types of sex and the gangster lifestyle that a 10yr.old is listenig to?It just seems that now something on EMPTY-TV is more appropriate for a little kid to watch even if it's like softcore porn,just as long it's on tv and it sells records.
Stop Bitchin' your fucking 16 still liven at home for FREE
The real world will kick your complaning ass straight

The mean Streats
yes you did BWD....2 times hahahhahahaha

Well,I was going to add
"I'm not on a moral crusade or anything.I just want to know if this disgusts anyone else...or if I'm just bitching too much." to the end of my post that way the unregistered guy wouldn't have had to tell me that the real world would kick my complaining ass straight...but I didn't and apparently he did feel the need to tell me that.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
Well,I was going to add
"I'm not on a moral crusade or anything.I just want to know if this disgusts anyone else...or if I'm just bitching too much." to the end of my post that way the unregistered guy wouldn't have had to tell me that the real world would kick my complaining ass straight...but I didn't and apparently he did feel the need to tell me that.

Hey DNB, this make me feel sick, last year a friend's band played at a ( I don't know the name in english, it's a party of the catholic church that they do on some saint's day ... ).
They started to play and after some songs ( 4 or 5 ) the organization made them stop telling that was too loud, and a lot of shits... but what make me feel sick is that a week before at the same event, children between 9-12 years old danced some FUNK/RAP/VERY STUPID songs wearing minimum clothes and those stupid songs were equal or worst than the one you told and the dancing was provocative ( almost like strippers dancing )... so in a "church event" we can have children almost naked dancing but we can't have a guitar, bass and a drum being played... I believe that is because priest like to molest children...
DNB you are not "bitching too much".. you are right when you contest these things.. I am not saying this 'cos I like metal but who listen to metal has the ability to think, to open the eyes and see the truth behind a lot of things ( of course THERE ARE excepitions... )....