My hippie mother is insulting death metal!!!!!!!

Originally posted by FrostGiant
"smoke like the WTC"

I loose all respect for you when you start spouting that sh*t. Grow up and have a little respect.

Oh yeah, fuck you pudface.
I give not a fuck what you think.

Do you think i want your respect? If you do, then your fucked in the head pal.

you frostgiant turd.

i could see where your comin from if i had not added the NO PUN.
*applaudes Famous Amos*
Have fun puking your innards out...

I suppose my mother will always stick to her conservative Bible thumping former pot smoking hippie ways and I'll always piss her off for being...the way that I am...I'll always piss eveyone I know off by being the way I am.And I'm never going to change anyone just like they're never going to change the way I am.If we all stay the same then we'll always have the joy of going at each others throats with our eternal differences.