I must admit, this new Nevermore is also kicking my ass from here to well, over there

Yah, I like it too. I haven't spun it in a while, though. Loomis is INSANE.

Top 10 material, their best since DNB.
Dick Sirloin said:
Yah, I like it too. I haven't spun it in a while, though. Loomis is INSANE.

Top 10 material, their best since DNB.

I'd only heard the MP3s until just now. It's fucking INSANE. So goddamned good, it's better than DNB, I'll tell you that right away.

Best since POE, possibly their best ever. Not sure yet of course.
DNB is a huge anomaly in the Nevermore catalogue. MUCH different than anything else they've done, especially the title track. It's such a sick, depraved album, though. Definitely have to be in the mood for it.

PoE on the other hand... :headbang:

I'd say TGE is their third-best. And for the record, I wasn't one of those people who despised DHIADW. Come on, "The fucking River Dragon Has Come!"
Yeah, the whole Dead Heart backlash made no sense to me, no less powerful than their other releases, the title track has the sickest lead riff in their catalog (at least until the six-minute mark in TGE, holy living fuck)...and after witnessing your reaction at the show last month and reading about your truck sized hauls, I'm shocked to learn that you only purchased TGE now...
I love DHIADW. In addition to what you've mentioned already, it's got my first ever favorite Nevermore song, "Inside Four Walls." Not to mention "Narcosynthesis."

But I'm falling in lust with this new one.
Demonspell said:
Yeah, the whole Dead Heart backlash made no sense to me, no less powerful than their other releases...and after witnessing your reaction at the show last month and reading about your truck sized hauls, I'm shocked to learn that you only purchased TGE now...

That's because Zod had hooked me up with a CDR over the summer.

I liked it so much, I bought it, and am now really digging in again (to see if it's worth my top 10 for the year).
Seriously, there isn't even remotely a weak song on this new album. It's fucking scary good. You're right Justin, Loomis is off the charts on this one. And for some reason, Van is standing out to me more than ever.
I'm a fairly casual Nevermore fan, but I've gotta say, their new album is the shit.
Goddammit, you're going to force me to pull this out again soon.

Dammit, I left it in Chapel Hill... :(
MadeInNewJersey said:
Seriously, there isn't even remotely a weak song on this new album. It's fucking scary good. You're right Justin, Loomis is off the charts on this one. And for some reason, Van is standing out to me more than ever.
Glad this finally grabbed you. I can't tell you how many times I've chnaged my mind about what the best song on the disc is. Now I'm fairly convinced it's the title track.

As for their catalog, I love "Dreaming". It's my favorite, but "Godfless" is a close second. Strangely, I then prefer "Dead Heart" and "Enemies" over "POE". I know I'm in the minority on that one, but oh well.

It's my fave Nevermore album, but that says very little. :loco:

"Born" is one of the greatest songs of the year, however.

Like everyone says, you appreciate vocalists in your own way. Well, to me, Dane is the weakest link. (Although he obviously can sing above and beyond one monoscale because just look at "Into the Mirror Black". I mean, wow.)
General Zod said:
Glad this finally grabbed you. I can't tell you how many times I've chnaged my mind about what the best song on the disc is. Now I'm fairly convinced it's the title track.

As for their catalog, I love "Dreaming". It's my favorite, but "Godfless" is a close second. Strangely, I then prefer "Dead Heart" and "Enemies" over "POE". I know I'm in the minority on that one, but oh well.


Greg, if it gives any indication of what I think of this album, it's in a 3-way tie right now for AOY with Manegarm & Falkenbach.

Yeah, I think that highly of it.

As for favorite track, I'm completely demolished by the title track. I need to go take a shower. Or at the very least, change my boxers. :worship:
JayKeeley said:
It's my fave Nevermore album, but that says very little. :loco:

"Born" is one of the greatest songs of the year, however.

Like everyone says, you appreciate vocalists in your own way. Well, to me, Dane is the weakest link. (Although he obviously can sing above and beyond one monoscale because just look at "Into the Mirror Black". I mean, wow.)

lol, I'm such a fool. It's "Torn."