I must admit, this new Nevermore is also kicking my ass from here to well, over there

Sadguru said:
Sentient 6 is, by far, my favorite song on that album. I prefer DHIADW and DNB over TGE. EoR is utter poo.

Enemies is by FAR my least favorite Nevermore. Actually, I take that back, their s/t debut is not so good.

To ME:
either PoE or TGE >
Did anyone else hear this COMMUNIC release from 2005 then?


The singer even tries to sound like Warrel Dane, you know, staying within that one scale...it's scary how we have clones today able to copy so closely (AND GETTING SIGNED BY 'BIG' LABELS LIKE JEWCLEAR BLAST)
JayKeeley said:
Did anyone else hear this COMMUNIC release from 2005 then?


The singer even tries to sound like Warrel Dane, you know, staying within that one scale...it's scary how we have clones today able to copy so closely (AND GETTING SIGNED BY 'BIG' LABELS LIKE JEWCLEAR BLAST)

I've never heard it, but Zod's buddy Britt has it in his top 15 for the year :loco:
MadeInNewJersey said:
Enemies is by FAR my least favorite Nevermore. Actually, I take that back, their s/t debut is not so good.

To ME:
either PoE or TGE >

Oh come on...you said in both the review and interview that it was their GREATEST release!

You're drunk tonight already. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
Oh come on...you said in both the review and interview that it was their GREATEST release!

You're drunk tonight already. :loco:

We never transcribed the interview!

And I honestly don't remember thinking EoR was their "best" at the time, though I did like it quite a bit. I'd still say it's worthy of a 7.5 or 8/10. But the 4 I have above it are considerably better, at least nowadays.

Ask me again in 3 months. :loco:
MadeInNewJersey said:
We never transcribed the interview!

Yes we did, or rather I did. I think we had a thread about EoR recently where most people were dimssing claims of it being badly produced, especially when you compare it to the average underground metal release.

And I honestly don't remember thinking EoR was their "best" at the time,

Well, that's what you told their bassist anyway. :loco: And he agreed by the way. :loco:

Ask me again in 3 months. :loco:

Look, I don't know where your head is. On my birthday you claimed not to like Nevermore that much, and I was like "finally...someone not afraid enough to amid they're overrated as fuck".

Sell out. :lol:
How in the fuck did you say EoR was the best when you'd NEVER HEARD POE!!!! Gay and lying, for sure.
I'm a total sell-out. *hangs head in shame*

I don't know what it is, they've really gotten to me over the past few months. I mean, I always enjoyed them, but not enough to go ga-ga over (the BWBK show was lights-out fantastic, getting the VIP treatment for the their EoR record release party in Seattle was excellent as well), but now, I don't know, I'm sold. This new album fucking rules. I mean, it rules Ali.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I don't know, I'm sold. This new album fucking rules. I mean, it rules Ali.

It does. It's their best album, even if there is a ton of At the Gates and Morbid Angel in it (not necessarily a bad thing of course). On the surface, it rules so much that when I went to Vegas, I took it with me because I knew Chief B would go GAGA over it, and of course, he did. He bought it a few days later at ProgPower.

I just don't know what it is with me...it's like a mental block. Maybe I need to see them live or something, but I have tried umpteen times with this band and I just cannot get past Warrel Dane. I own 3 of their albums: PoE, Dead Heart, and the new one. I've listened to the others.

Give me Sanctuary over Nevermore, it's just more my style -- and I'm not even saying Nevermore are bad, just don't click for me. Probably never will.

FYI: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/showpost.php?p=3794843&postcount=40

Brings back memories, eh?
Title track from TGE is probably the best fucking song Nevermore has ever done. "The children sitting in the trees..." with that crazy swirling thrash riff...fucking awesome. Final Product is catchy as all hell, Sentient 6 is of course brilliant; the album as a whole is on par with DNB, absolutely great stuff.

Dead Heart sucked cause there was too much Machine Head and not enough Sanctuary. I actually dug EoR alright, though it definitely wasn't on the level of DNB or Politics.
JayKeeley said:
Did anyone else hear this COMMUNIC release from 2005 then?


The singer even tries to sound like Warrel Dane, you know, staying within that one scale...it's scary how we have clones today able to copy so closely (AND GETTING SIGNED BY 'BIG' LABELS LIKE JEWCLEAR BLAST)

i saw a film clip by them and honestly sat there in shame, its a blatant rip off if i have ever heard one. Then he started to sing :erk: :yuk:
MadeInNewJersey said:
Greg, if it gives any indication of what I think of this album, it's in a 3-way tie right now for AOY with Manegarm & Falkenbach.

MadeInNewJersey said:
As for favorite track, I'm completely demolished by the title track. I need to go take a shower. Or at the very least, change my boxers. :worship:
The brilliance of that track didn't hit me till I heard it live. That doomish riff that strikes like a mule kick to the back of the head at 1:04 just slays me.

MadeInNewJersey said:
I've never heard it, but Zod's buddy Britt has it in his top 15 for the year
Britt is a real good guy. He hooked Jason up with a room at PP when Jason got stuck on Wednesday night. Our Top X of XXXX use to be very similar. My tastes have recently drifted towards the more extreme. I've been trying to drag him along for the ride.
