I must admit, this new Nevermore is also kicking my ass from here to well, over there

DNB is their best. Then Dead Heart. Not sure where TGE would be, but if I never muster the strength to force myself to listen to it again, it's coming nowhere close to the top of 2005 for me.
JayKeeley said:
Like everyone says, you appreciate vocalists in your own way. Well, to me, Dane is the weakest link. (Although he obviously can sing above and beyond one monoscale because just look at "Into the Mirror Black". I mean, wow.)
I tend to think Dane's voice has been on a decline for years. However, what he's lost in raw technical prowess, I believe he's tried to address with intensity and style. When you hear Dane, you know it's Dane (for better or worse).

Demilich said:
DNB is their best. Then Dead Heart.
Prior to the release of TGE, I would have agreed with this statement.

Demilich said:
Not sure where TGE would be, but if I never muster the strength to force myself to listen to it again, it's coming nowhere close to the top of 2005 for me.
If you really enjoyed the two aforementioned discs, you really give TGE a few spins. I find it hard to believe, that if you dug those two discs, you wouldn't dig this one.

I don't know why either. I loved Sentient 6 though. Something about "The Bittersweet Feast", "Acid Words" and "Final Product" bothered me, not sure what. Didn't like Born all that much either.

Also, I lent the cd to someone I may never speak to again, 'cause she's a bitch
I'm about to give this disc yet ANOTHER spin. I could see this being in heavy rotation for years and years, like a favorite Maiden album, or Operation: Mindcrime. And no, I'm not necessarily saying it's on par with those all-time classics, but it IS going to be with me for the long haul, if that makes sense.
MadeInNewJersey said:
I'm about to give this disc yet ANOTHER spin. I could see this being in heavy rotation for years and years, like a favorite Maiden album, or Operation: Mindcrime. And no, I'm not necessarily saying it's on par with those all-time classics, but it IS going to be with me for the long haul, if that makes sense.
Love it. Glad to see I'm not alone in my rabid appreciation for this disc.

A three-page completely on topic thread about the greatness of Nevermore? Excellent. Needless to say, my fanboy self enjoys the living hell out of Sentinel 6 and Psalm Of Lamia...the former's conclusion and the latter's stop-starts and solo battle saly me every time. I also think Final Product is one of least impressive songs, but still classic Nevermore all the fucking way.
BTW, did that cover of Revelation Mother Earth actually get recorded? If anyone ever manages to send it to me, I'll nominate that person for sainthood.
Demilich said:
DNB is their best. Then Dead Heart. Not sure where TGE would be, but if I never muster the strength to force myself to listen to it again, it's coming nowhere close to the top of 2005 for me.
Same for me. As far as I'm concerned, both DNB and DHIADW are leagues ahead TGE.
Wow, for someone who hates Nevermore, you sure as hell posted on their message board a lot.
Yeah, I never understood the whole hatred of DHIADW when it came out. It was the only one of their releases thus far that I liked from the get-go, but eventually it didn't hold up to POE or DNB, in my book. I still dig it, especially the title track and River Dragon (both of which have one of the coolest riffs ever written). When EOR came out, I loved the music. More aggressive than their previous stuff, which was totally fine by me. I, however, was one of the more vehement haters of the production. On my system, I hear constant static with hisses and pops, especially on the guitar tracks. The remastered version sounds WAAAAY better, but I have yet to pick it up due to the bad taste left by the original.

TGE is definitely better than the previous two, but still below DNB and POE for me. Easily in my top 5 this year, although I think Extol may win first place. I just friggin love that disc for some reason.

I think they are underrated as hell, as evidenced by the fact that they sell only a few thousand copies of their discs. They should be selling way more than Iced Earth, but they don't.
General Zod said:
Glad this finally grabbed you. I can't tell you how many times I've chnaged my mind about what the best song on the disc is. Now I'm fairly convinced it's the title track.

That's cool when your favorite track keeps changing like that. Truly the sign of a great album. That said, I've felt from day one that not only is "Born" the greatest track on the album, but the greatest Nevermore track EVER.

General Zod said:
Strangely, I then prefer "Dead Heart" and "Enemies" over "POE". I know I'm in the minority on that one, but oh well.

Hey, it's all a matter of taste, but yeah, "POE" is definitely my 2nd favorite behind the mighty "TGE"
mmm sizzling
jimbobhickville said:
I still dig it, especially the title track and River Dragon (both of which have one of the coolest riffs ever written).
Great songs. I actually prefer "Inside Four Walls", "Engines of Hate" and the title track:

Brun your gods and kill the king,
Subjugate your suffering,
Dead... Heart... in a... Dead World

jimbobhickville said:
I think they are underrated as hell, as evidenced by the fact that they sell only a few thousand copies of their discs. They should be selling way more than Iced Earth, but they don't.
As they are my two favorite bands, I don't find it surprising that Iced Earth out sells them. Iced Earth's sound is more classic, and it appeals to a broader audience. Nevermore has a very unique sound, and most people will respond to that with a love it or hate it attitude. That said, it's a crime they're not able to headline clubs in the 1,200 - 1,5000 capacity range in the U.S.

Dark One said:
You never were to begin with. :)
True. You've been on this disc since day one.

Dark One said:
That said, I've felt from day one that not only is "Born" the greatest track on the album, but the greatest Nevermore track EVER.
I certainly felt that way for a while. However, the title track is so epic. It has so much more substance to me than "Born". Obviously I love
"Born". It's got one of the greatest hooks I've ever heard.
