I need a new food product to become addicted to.

Picked up some bulgogi (not the left in the sun variety) at Costco. This type of meal is only suited for a one and done meal. Anything beyond one session (impossible with Costco portions,) usually end up getting the drizzling shits by the end of the container. (This broccoli n cauliflower MAY balance it out by way of fibaaaaaaah, maybe not.) Anyhow this shit belongs on a chong's plate, shit tastes like bat drenched in soy. Fuck this.
supposedly, eating the box of red powder will shrink cancer tumors and make you live forever

This is the dumbest shit I've ever read.

i remember someone telling me (years ago) that you can buy this red powder at GNC (does GNC even still sell this?? and what the fuck was this product even called??)

I believe its called Resveratrol and, yes, you can buy it in pill form.
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Picked up some bulgogi (not the left in the sun variety) at Costco. This type of meal is only suited for a one and done meal. Anything beyond one session (impossible with Costco portions,) usually end up getting the drizzling shits by the end of the container. (This broccoli n cauliflower MAY balance it out by way of fibaaaaaaah, maybe not.) Anyhow this shit belongs on a chong's plate, shit tastes like bat drenched in soy. Fuck this.

Don't you people have H-Mart? If you want bulgogi go to the Korean grocery store foo.
Yea, we got an entire "neighborhood" called KoreaTown. I also live very close to some other nippy neighborhoods. I can get the shiet, but dont really want to. Makes my stomach bubble like Delphin's bathwater. On a seafood kick anyhow.

Currently eating some bomb af stuffed salmon. :heh:
I don’t care about the supposed health benefits, I just like drinking the stuff. I’m all about refreshing fizzy beverages.

Yea I was always deterred by the hipster correlation. This was ultimately negated by Costco stocking it by the barrel load. Im a huge mark for the warehouse, as has been told time and time again. Almost bought some Yam Gook Chook Moon Cakes over the weekend (only because I seen them shitz at Costco.) Beautiful tin case, but the 16 dollar price tag deterred me from said chinking.


Anyhow, kombucha is fucking delicious, and one of the few foods/beverages that has a noticeable improvement upon one's aspect immediately post quaff. May be the hint of caffeine, may be the fizz, but id give the nod to the All Mighty "Mother" who bore it. Anything that is brought to life by mother is metal af, @J. how's that apple cider vinegar treating you?

Looked into making my own batch of the buch, but the two month fermentation process was a turn off.