I need a new food product to become addicted to.

Absolutely love the texture of this faux yogurt (actually cheese from skim milk.)

I love this shit

Going to pick some up in a bit. Pretty much sushi on a budget for the unitiated. (Not sure if this wonderful dish is popular in the Eurolands/ or even outside HI/Queerfornia)

I still prefer the roll format when it comes to getting my sushi fix, but for the price of one roll, one can satiate that raw yearn.

This is pretty good stuff. Tends to make me feel super bloated though. Don't know how many grams of MSG they sprinkle in them bowls. I, too, prefer a roll or some nigiri (that's racist). The wife and I bought some sashimi at the market the other day and made some simple rolls. Cost effective and delicious.

Anyone been to one of those sushi restaurants with the conveyor belts?
Yep, that used to be my main jam to do alone. Sushi would circle around on a huge table on little boats. Only problem was that it wasnt very cost efficient, the plates would rack high. Secondly, oft you would be waiting far too long for a particular roll to be re-rolled and sent sailing.

Im all about AYCE, im an American after all. We beefy. ;)
There's one called Kura that's pretty excellent. They've got the conveyor belt that rotates by your booth but also a screen that you can order from and a second tier conveyor belt that only sends down fresh orders. They come out pretty fast. $2.25 a plate.
Y'all ever have those burgers that instead of buns they have deep fried macaroni? #uhmerica

I had one, once. It made deep fried Snickers seem pedestrian. I had one of those as well, once.

One must eat cancerous AIDS food sometimes because otherwise you'll die before you truly live.

Illnesses and deaths

The restaurant's spokesman, 575-pound (261 kg) Blair River, died on March 1, 2011, aged 29, from complications of pneumonia. The Arizona location closed shortly thereafter, on May 31, 2011.

On February 11, 2012, a customer suffered what was reported to be an apparent heart attack while eating a "Triple Bypass Burger" at the restaurant. Restaurant owner Jon Basso called 9-1-1 and the customer was taken to the hospital. Reportedly patrons thought it was a stunt and started taking photos. Basso later said, "I actually felt horrible for the gentleman because the tourists were taking photos of him as if it were some type of stunt. Even with our own morbid sense of humor, we would never pull a stunt like that."

On April 21, 2012, a woman fell unconscious while eating a Double Bypass Burger, drinking alcohol, and smoking. :kickass:

In February 2013, an unofficial spokesman and daily patron, 52-year-old John Alleman, died of an apparent heart attack while waiting at a bus stop in front of the restaurant.
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For Europeans or anyone who isn't familiar with this "restaurant":

"The establishment is a hospital theme restaurant: waitresses ("nurses") and waiters ("doctors") take orders ("prescriptions") from the customers ("patients"). Each patient dons a hospital gown and wrist band before ordering and those who do not finish their meal receive a paddling by one of the "nurses" with the option to buy the paddle afterwards.

The menu is generally themed around items that are exceptionally high in calories and fat.[1] It includes "Single", "Double", "Triple", "Quadruple", all the way up to "Octuple Bypass" hamburgers,[2] ranging from 8 to 32 ounces (230 to 910 g) of beef (up to about 8,000 calories (33,000 kJ)), all-you-can-eat "Flatliner Fries" (cooked in pure lard), beer and tequila, "butterfat milkshakes," and soft drinks such as Mexican-bottled Coca-Cola made with cane sugar.[1] Customers can also order unfiltered cigarettes, or candy cigarettes for children.[3]

Customers over 350 lb (160 kg) in weight eat for free if they weigh in with a nurse waitress before eating. Beverages and to-go orders are excluded and sharing food is also not allowed for the free food deal.[4]

One of the restaurant's promotions is a reward for customers who finish a Triple or Quadruple Bypass Burger, after which they are placed on a wheelchair and wheeled out to their vehicle by their "personal nurse".[5]"

Pretty embarrassing overall and most people I know wouldn't be caught dead in a place like that. Here I am at a relatively normal weight for my height, I eat a mostly vegetarian diet full of vegetables and whole grains, and I was referred to a cardiologist yesterday. This life ain't fair.
I couldnt do it. Biggest burger I could handle was a XXXL from Fatburger. Thats a 1.5lb burger. I was also far heftier when I would kill these. I had two coworkers who took on a 2.5lb Burger, one of which was a 350lb black dude could destroy food. They both finished, but almost keeled. The black dude went out on leave for a bit after that one. There was other stressors at the home front affecting him, but i'll be damned if that burger didnt send him over the top.
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Picked up these Boba Milk Tea Ice Cream Bars (Brown Sugar Flavored) to try.

Unique texture to em, tasty enough (especially the bottom non-boba portion), but id rather spend the kopecks on Talenti gelato.

Eating really healthy lately, and stopped booze, so I need one vice. Ice Cream fills the void.
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Booze is good for you. In moderation.

I need to get chai mix too. Mmm... caffiene...
i remember something about a machine that can take a bottle of red wine and seperate the color from the wine and make a bottle of white wine and a little box of red powder, supposedly, eating the box of red powder will shrink cancer tumors and make you live forever

i remember someone telling me (years ago) that you can buy this red powder at GNC (does GNC even still sell this?? and what the fuck was this product even called??)