I need a new job like you read about...

I hear ya. The Houston FD is taking apps right now, but financial needs will not allow me to take a 50% pay cut. Maybe in time I will be able to do it.

However, here is part of J's master plan. To do this: www.fxcm.com

I used to work with a guy that did this. He was able to pay off all credit card within a year. Granted, it costs $3000+ to start, but he said he made that back in under 3 months. I went to a seminar about this and it was legit. THe folks up in NYC might be familiar with it since seminars are held there all the time. I'm not saying to try and live off this (though I've heard of some people who do), but as a way to make extra cash, you can't beat it.

Also, you could always try to be an Appliance Specialist at Lowe's. I won't tell you how much I make, but it's a boatload more than when I had a boring office computer desk job.

Good luck.
you got it, currency trading. honestly, i watched him do ths while we were at work. all he would do is bet on the EURO and Pound against the USD. and he'd make money. no shit.

and yes.
currency trading? wtf?
what kind of shit do you guys have on your credit cards? five years ago i had $5000 on a credit card. i paid it off ASAP and havent had any CC debt since. it's too scary. i have a HELOC though, which is similar. fucking interest rate is variable. good times. EVERY goddam month it goes up 0.25%
I always pay my credit card off 100% every month. That said, I dont have mortgages and car payments and whatnot every month either. In most cases I prefer not to use my credit card, generally it gets used for online orders and concert tickets.
the credit card is used for almost everything, but thats because I get raped on interac fees through my bank. So I use the CC and just go on the intarweb and transfer the money I spent onto the CC at the end of every month. Quick and easy. The CC is also used for online shitz.
yeah, same here. online shit and whatnot. debit card for everything else. maximum paper trail for all my purchases plus record keeping in triplicate rulez.
i dont have any fees (that im aware of) but i have to keep track of about a million recepits or else someone will invariably steal from me. at least three times ive caught some fuckface waiter adding a digit or two to the receipt
ie: the total is $15.50, theyll change the 1 to a 4 or something.
my preference would be to use cash only but its so inconvenient. unsafe too. i dont know how many times ive been hit up for cash and not had any. what is someone going to do, steal my credit card? have fun with *that* tracking device pal!
Credit card debt is stupid. It sits there and only costs me $15 in interest a month but one of these days I'll have to pay the whole damn thing off. What I don't understand is that I don't exactly live extravagently. Okay yes I have a more-expensive-than-necessary car but I don't own a home or like 4 boats or fancy clothes like other people I see here, and I do make pretty good money. I can't imagine how in debt these fucktards working at Target driving $40k trucks with $30k worth of tires/wheels and a 48 year old $590k house are. [/SoCal life]

@Doomcifer: desk jobs suck. If my job ever went up shit creek I'd go get my Class A license and be a trucker. I'm dead serious.
better than that. Get your class A and go work the oil fields up in yukon/NWT.

Buddy of mine is making a fuckload. Just gotta get used to being in the middle of nowhere and living in tiny little towns. Thing is... he hikes, rock climbs, kayaks, hunts, fishes and everything else in his goddamn backyard.

no tracking device in my CC :p
by tracking device i meant that as soon as you swipe your card, a bunch of nerds sitting at desks know where you are and what youre buying. in the case of the stolen credit card, as soon as the jackass tries to buy something with it, cops pull up to the store and give them a beat down.
NADatar said:
I can't imagine how in debt these fucktards working at Target driving $40k trucks with $30k worth of tires/wheels and a 48 year old $590k house are.
seconded 100%. what i cant figure out is how people *qualify* for all these loans in the first place. i was under the impression that you had to meet certain criteria (ie income/debt ratio) before someone could/would loan you money. my fave are all the mexicans driving new f250 diesels.

bankruptcy and loan defaults are at an all-time ridiculous high. americans are so stupid.