Conspicuously Absent
Linguistically Confused
Yeah, I hate how all the dumbfucks make honest people who tried to do everything the proper way look bad for having to declare bankruptcy.
neevver happen. economists have been predicting a collapse since the 1950s. itll probably level off but there will be no bursting of the bubble so to speak. i mean the economy is driven by house transactions. now, if youre talking about the entire economy collapsing, you might be on to somethinglurch70 said:this housing bubble bursting is goign to be fun to watch ...
or you could do like everyone else in california is doing and move out.NADatar said:Yeah, I'll actually be able to buy a house probably this time next year.![]()
dorian gray said:by tracking device i meant that as soon as you swipe your card, a bunch of nerds sitting at desks know where you are and what youre buying.
Yeah, that's the longterm plan. The by 30 plan. But if housing does get cheap again before that, I'll buy some pad. When I say cheap I mean when $120k houses cost $180k instead of $350k like they do now. We'll see.dorian gray said:or you could do like everyone else in california is doing and move out.
yeah. in my parent's case, it was something Nate might understand well, basically our "crop" (oysters) was unharvestable for 3 years due to a weird nature pattern and a whole lot of red tides. So for 3 years we had no income from pretty much the only source of money we had. And just before this stint they'd basically thrown everything we had into it because it was that big point where you crossover from 'side income' to 'primary business'. If we hadn't had those 3 years we'd be making retardedly good money off the farm right now. Seriously, we had about 200k of oytsers sitting ready to go, and another 50-60k for the next year. and we'd have enough to fill in the rest of the space and we could make probably 100k a year. Oh well, its well enough, we had to sell it to help pay off the creditors and shit, and a year after that the price of oysters went through the floor. They are worth peanuts now.dorian gray said:yeah. the vast majority of bankruptcies are just people who decided they no longer wanted to pay for their new BMW while making $12 an hour.
dorian gray said:$999k BWWWWaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!
thats insane!
you woulda had to buy back in the 1930s when LA was just starting to grow. youd be rich as a motherfucker now (kinda like anyone who owns property in socal).NADatar said:When I say cheap I mean when $120k houses cost $180k instead of $350k like they do now. We'll see.
good. i LOATHE the flip sub-culture.lurch70 said:these are the people that will get fucked.
MadeInNewJersey said:that's for a 2-family unit, btw
each one would turn a 20-25% profit IMMEDIATELY
you mean like 2 houses connected or something? a duplex? around here a duplex is considered a piece of shit. i can see how they would be useful in a crowded place like NY/NJ thoughMadeInNewJersey said:that's for a 2-family unit, btw
each one would turn a 20-25% profit IMMEDIATELY
dorian gray said:you mean like 2 houses connected or something? a duplex? around here a duplex is considered a piece of shit. i can see how they would be useful in a crowded place like NY/NJ though