I dont have any credit card debt, nor do I own one. I have loathed them since I was in College, where they are all setting up camp, giving away a free tshirt if you simply fill out a form and let them wrap their greasy claws round your economic throat.
I already have a house...why the fuck the immediate turn of convo? Good ol' RC, LMAO.

Although, I could settle for a bullshit, lower paying job if lived in an apartment, but thats the trade-off. Living in your own place rules.
In order to live "comfy", meaning saving about 3-4,000/year in the bank and buying too many cd's to listen to (lol) would be around $29,000/year. Fuck a deskjob, I agree....
I'm ready to fucking work construction, make a shitload of money during the on-season and collect during the winter and do my own thing.
@ J. - that currency trading thing looks interesting. I may look further into it.
Also, Lowe's actaully pays THAT much? wtf...Do you really need to be a "specialist" in order to be hired?