I need friends


somewhere nowhere
Jan 26, 2003
pittsburgh, pa
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I'm from america, i'm gonna be in london (actually arriving the day AFTER the anathema gig arghh) for a few months for school, I need local london and english anathematic friends, anyone care to befriend me? hehe
indeed. austria has people who care about nature and that tho. in greece such individuals simply do not exist. not the 6+ million that live in the 2 major cities anyway...
what is it with english people? Anathema seem to be less popular in their own country than in Greece.. its a shame to be an englishman and not even know one of the best english bands ever!!
i dont think London is a shit hole... its a very cool city , if you know where to go...
i've been there so many times, and everytime i go back there- i love it even more.

im sure you know it already... but try to hang out in the camden town area.. you'll find some great stores and bars and night clubs over there.