I need to know how to sing like Robert Plant or scream like Alexi Laiho


Mar 2, 2007
It's a typical sorta thing:

Me and my friends are starting a band, its kinda bluesy like Cream and The Doors but I think adding some wild Robert Plant vocals would make it better.

I can't bellow like Plant did in Dazed and Confused without getting too raspy, in Black Dog when I make my voice go high enough for it my throat really starts to hurt in one spot, and it's also too raspy, same with the metal part of Stairway to Heaven and Rock and Roll (besides when he says he says "its been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely time"), so you kinda see the problem. The song I can sing best is the Immigrant song.

I read on the internet somewhere else that you have to tighten your stomach when screaming from your diaphragm but I don't quite get how to do it and I have only read the directions once.

Due to the fact that I have a really deep voice and its barely even started changing I think I would do good with loud screaming.

By the way Robert Plant's voice isn't high, I've heard him speak, its pretty much normal and my range can go pretty high. I'm not a teenage Berry White or anything, my voice isn't unnaturally low, it's just rather deep.

Here are the things I need to know:

How to scream from my diaphragm
How to sing in a Robert Plant way without sounding too raspy
How to bellow with a lot of power like in Dazed and Confused without sounding too raspy
How to sorta growl like Alexi did in the chorus of Living Dead Beat

If you can help me with any one of these things please reply.
Robert Plant was Led Zeppelin's vocalist. And for the singing thing, you'll want to know what your voice type is (bass, baritone, tenor). Since you said you have a deep voice, I'll assume that you are a bass or baritone, but with age/time that could change. To sing with your diaphragm, you have to sing from your stomach, as opposed to from the throat, like Reaping Clarity said. Don't strain yourself though, if your throat hurts, you'll probably want to stop (or at least take a break). It may also be beneficial to enlist a voice teacher of some sort so you can get a better feel of things. A voice teacher would be more qualified to answer your questions than I am. Anyways, I hope that cleared some of your problems up. Good luck!
If you have the range for Robert Plant then you have the range. You can extend your range through singing excersises but you can only go so far, there is stuff that Robert Plant can do that nobody else can because he's almost a woman. Great voice, great singer but there ain't no way he has any balls. Screaming is all about finding the right combination of diaphragm pushing and breathing and growling and etc. It's difficult to do and I can't really explain it, but just know that if you are hurting yourself you are doing it wrong.
Plant uses his head voice, try learning how to sing with a falsetto and you will be able to pull of Plant vocals, not everyone can do it, King Diamond of Mercyful Fate is one of the best at it. Have you ever heard of a band called wolfmother? Their lead singer does a very good job at copying plants singing style.

Without hearing your voice I cant help much more, as for screaming like Alexi though, screaming is something that is hard to copy as it is self taught and techniques differ, you should see what you are vocally capable of doing before trying to borrow from someones technique. For example, Matt Heafy has stated that he was not comfortable with his singing abilities on Triviums earlier albums so used a punk style scream but was on the Crusade so he used a low singing voice similar to one of his idols (James Hetfield of Metallica)
He has balls..you can see them through his skin tight jeans (fucking disgusting)

You can train to sing in the range as plant, but maybe not the same tone, which is fine.

IMPORTANT: If your throat hurts after you sing, YOU'RE DOING SOMETHING WRONG! So stop...that will cause permanent damage to your vocal chords. Either get a vocal coach or read up on the proper techiques from books/videos/the web. There are great resources and even vids online I think.
I guess you can find some way to sing like Alexi in here.

Black7Tongue wrote it earlier.

The Guide To All Ranges Of Screaming


Now I'm not in a band or anything (yet (I want one)), but I have learned what it takes to do these kinds of vocals. I'm not sure how long this will take you, but I'm pretty sure this is how to do it.

First I will adress the question of whether or not you need to ruin your voice to sound good. The answer: No you don't have to, but if you do this the wrong way you very well might. It's not about breaking down you're voice, it's about excercising it, and waking up what you already have.

There are three PRIMARY classes of metal vocals: The death growl, the throat scream, and the throatless scream. I will address each, because I can do all three. Even if you are not going to use all three I think the range is useful, and might even help your main vocals.

You might want to start with the death growl, even if you're not going to use it. This guide is built to be read start to finish. And remember you don't have to take my word on any of it. This is not to be construed as advice, it's simply what worked for me.

The Death Growl

I don't care who the fuck you are, you can do this one. It MAY be painful, but don't give up.

Find music, preferably with deep vocals (i.e. Opeth), and words you know, and listen to it.

Go as deep as you can in you're throat, release noise. Try to match the depth of the artist. Repeat this. Once your throat feels warmed up, sing along in that voice. Do not lose the depth. Your throat should feel like it's on fire. That's fine. Keep going. You're not gonna hurt yourself. Once you start tasting phlegm, the fun has started. Keep going. Once your voice starts losing depth, you know you're doing the right thing. Use your good judgement on when to stop. Don't lose your talking voice.

Wait a day or two, and repeat, pushing yourself further each time. Jaw muscle is a factor.

Once you can go on for a long ass time, and basically not hurt your speaking voice, you have your death growl.

There's something called a benchmark. What it means is you'll keep getting better, but slower and slower til you're pretty much the best you can be. I think you hit it quickest with the death growl. I hit mine.


Try not to strain your jaw too much. Think loose. Widen your jaw for that raspiness, and center it for a deeper sound. To sound dramatic, start with your jaw normal, then widen it as you finish the lyric, and loosen slowly, holding out the note.

The Throat Scream

This might be hard. I wouldn't be suprised if it takes you a while to find it.

Don't scream, use you're throat, and let out loud noise.

If you get a raspy, harsh sounding scream (even a crappy one), you've just performed the throat scream. Now take some music you know the words to, and sing along.
Don't push too hard; you simply don't have to. Also, don't take big ass breaths, cus that makes you're body naturally release alot of air at once. When you take breaths, make sure you don't stiffen you're shoulders. Before a long note, it might help to breath through the nose. Refer to the death growl section for advice on how hard to push, when to stop/repeat, etc. This one just keeps getting thicker for me. But the progress has gotten much slower. You'll eventually hit you're benchmark, but it takes a while. I haven't hit it yet.


The scream is different for each person. Just play around and you'll figure it out.

The Throatless Scream

This one is just the voice you would use to scream for help with, and definately the hardest, requiring stong vocal muscles. Are you ready to sweat? This is a good way to lose weight. Scream for a while, and finally try to reduce the scream to the lowest volume you can, while still doing the same thing with your vocal cords/mouth. Now hit the music and fucking scream that lowest, jaw-ey-est scream you can, and sing along. You won't make much noise, but make sure you are actually screaming. The reason you're not actually screaming is cus you will ruin your voice. You will eventually awaken the proper muscles. I don't know when. After a while of screaming like that, let loose the full scream. No change? Then keep doing it. You should be sweating buckets at the end of the session. Repeat this after a day or two, keeping the screaming restrained. At the end of the session try the full scream again. You will eventually realize what you have done. This doesn't mean you should scream the highest pitch just cus you can. It sounds better when you use the jaw more. I just recently opened this scream up. It willl keep improving til I hit my benchmark.


Don't go the highest pitch just cus you can. Stay in you're range, where it feels right.


Those artists who scream hour-long sets every night can do it cus they practiced like fuck. Keep practicing, but don't be in a rush to be perfect. You gotta love to scream to do this. I do it cus it feels fucking good. It takes alot of practice to be what you want to be, and if you're not enjoying it, stop. You have to love what you do.

It wouldn't be a bad idea to check with your doctor first, to make sure you don't fuck up your vocal cords. Especially if you smoke.

Good luck,