I played Nevermore for my religion class today

I would have played then Funeral Inception by Suffocation to them. That would teach the little religious fuckers.
I once played some Blind Guardian in school.. I must say they were pretty much suprised about the song intro (song was Majesty) because they all thought they knew what to expect... :) Maybe because of that none even came to say me it was total shit, well none said it was good either. :D
Y'know what sucks, you could tell that people actually didnt mind the song.They just know if they were to admit it, they would be criticized by their "friends", I don't really consider anyone at school an actual friend, just an aquaintence.Thats all they are, I know if they were told by someone who is popular to stop talking to me, they would.Its really pathetic how people work.Most people who like metal anyway, do it for attention.I'll see them going down the hall with their walkman blaring, but not even on their ears, they just want to be acknowledged, fucking pathetic what metal has become, an excuse for not being popular.Music itself is a joke, it separates people at school, and I am pretty sure its not just my school.Its either people with no-self esteem or conformists.And bang!, there are the two types of "music" fans, metal(people with low self esteem) and rap/pop and at my school, gino beats(conformists).I guess there is the odd person who actually enjoys music for what it is, I'd like to think I am one of them.

well, theres my rant, whatever...
Music, for me, isn't necessarily a reason to like/dislike a person. I mean, it can be something in common that a friendship can be somewhat built upon, but I don't just like people that like Nevermore, I don't like all people that like Nevermore, and I don't dislike everyone that dislikes Nevermore. If you like it, great, that's pretty kick ass. If you don't, that's fine. To each their own. For me, metal was about metal. I listen to it because I understand and enjoy it. I listen to other types of music, too, for those same reasons.

I mean, there are plenty of people here that don't like each other. That's for sure. Even though they like the same music. Someone's personality shouldn't just be what kind of music they like, and if it is, they're a pretty lame, empty person.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
but I don't just like people that like Nevermore, I don't like all people that like Nevermore
That,of course,is when you can find people at school,other than me,who actually like or have even heard of Nevermore.If I even tried to mention the name Nevermore around some ppl that I know at school-no offense to them or anything,I'm friends w/a good deal of ppl who aren't into the stuff I'm into-they'd just ask me"What's a Nevermore?"
Hey,how's this for akward-I was wearing my Alice in Chians shirt today and people I don't even know would ask me"What does your shirt say?",or they'd be more straight foreward and ask"What does your shirt mean?"...so I had to explain "Alice in Chains*silence as I wait for it to sink in*...it's a band*more silence*...that I like...?"And just wait for them to nod quietly and walk away.
I was walking through a lunch line and a kid stopped me, looked at my shirt and said, "Is that a band?" "Yes, *rolling eyes*" "Are they any good." "YES! *eyes rolling*" "What type of music do they play" "HEAVYYYYY MMEEETTTTAAALLLL" "Ok, cool" Then I bought my food and he got his. End of story.