I realize this is lame but...

I'm going to kick you in the nuts and rob you blind some day when you finally get me over into your BASEMENT OF DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

I love extras Os and capitalization tonight.
About 675 - link's in my sig. I downsize all the time, though, and get rid of stuff I don't listen to enough to keep. I don't know how many vinyls I have, but I have several.
Around 250 good metal stuff, but I have quite a bit more that just plain suck so I don't count them.

I have about 10 on their way in too.
I have no clue how many CD's. I have cardboard moving boxes full of them in my closet, and my dresser does not hold any clothes... just CD's. And also all over my floor, all of my tables, on top of my tv, under my tv, on my amp, under my amp, and on my speakers.

And Vinyl, I'd say a good 100 or so. Mostly just for the sake of having them, though. I may listen them once or twice a month at the most.

And a shit ton of old Thrash tapes and various Demo tapes.
Dude, for the record, you're a great addition to this forum. Stick around! :kickass:

I'll try to check out some Prince sometime. Maybe upload some quality tracks for me?

wait who was talking about Prince? i'm seriosuly a fan, his older shit is fucking gold. some of it is comedy gold, as well. i mean.. the vocals in "kiss" are the most amazing accomplishment of comedy ever.
lol, I generally think you guys have extremely bad tastes in music, and now we're talking about Prince?!
Can we talk about Arethra Franklin next? :loco: