RC March Madness '07: Album Nominee Needed

By the way, if it's not something I've heard of (meaning, it's not something that gets discussed a lot around here) having more than one person vote for it will help to ensure it gets included.

Orphaned Land - Mabool
Moonsorrow - Voimasta Ja Kunniasta
Destroyer 666 - Phoenix Rising
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora
Negura Bunget - 'N Crugu Bradului
Enslaved - Below the Lights
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
Dark Tranquillity - Damage Done
Symphony X - V - The New Mythology Suite
The Crown - Deathrace King
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Primoridal - The Gathering Wilderness
Iced Earth - The Glorious Burden
Hammers of Misfortune - The August Engine
Novembers Doom - The Novella Reservoir
Pyramaze - Melancholy Beast
Satyricon - Now, Diabolical
Secrets of the Moon - Antihesis
Melechesh - Sphynx
Avantasia - The Metal Opera Part 1

Actually Demon, I think if we include multiple requests for certain discs, I think the chances of that disc showing up in Zod's tournament increase dramatically, so if there are any that we've mentioned that you're extremely high on (Agalloch - The Mantle, for example), I'd throw it up. :)

Actually Demon, I think if we include multiple requests for certain discs, I think the chances of that disc showing up in Zod's tournament increase dramatically, so if there are any that we've mentioned that you're extremely high on (Agalloch - The Mantle, for example), I'd throw it up. :)


Yeah, I actually did the opposite and purposely left stuff out already mentioned. :erk:

@Doomcifer -- quick question: do you own a real copy of "Mabool"? Much like "The Bastard", or any concept for that matter, the album really demands that you read along with the lyrics / theme, etc. It improves the listening experience from beginning to end.
Yeah, I actually did the opposite and purposely left stuff out already mentioned. :erk:
Unfortunately, I can't escape my own perceptions. For instance... when fotmbm lists " Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux", I have no clue what that is. I've never seen Ondskapt spoken about on RC. So, if I have 64 other discs. which I perceive as being more loved by RC, I'll leave it out. However, if two or three other people mention it, it will most likely be included.

Yeah, just go with your gut. I've never heard that Ondskapt either.

Make the final list and offer a preview for all the naysayers before making the draw.
Agalloch - The Mantle
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
Negura Bunget - 'n Crugu Bradului
Drudkh - Blood in OUr Wells
Isis - Panopticon
Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice
Katatonia - Viva Emptiness
Primordial - The Gathering Wilderness

seconded on all these. that ayreon album is shit though! man one of my friends loaned it to me a while back and it just reminded me of dream theater or some cheesy crap like that. :loco:

i would also include

klabautamann - der ort
taake - ...doedskvad
tool - lateralus
something by belenos (still only have those samples and they're sooo good, why do their cds have to be so damn expensive :waah:)

also blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, blood in our wells, and blood in our wells