Hell Mike
fuck melodic black metal
Unfortunately, I can't escape my own perceptions. For instance... when fotmbm lists " Ondskapt - Draco Sit Mihi Dux", I have no clue what that is. I've never seen Ondskapt spoken about on RC. So, if I have 64 other discs. which I perceive as being more loved by RC, I'll leave it out. However, if two or three other people mention it, it will most likely be included.
How about the first person who votes FOR an album gets the duty of providing us all with a sample? No nazi rules on, this just everyone tries to follow and if noone has before you, go ahead yourself. This way noone should be too burdened with uploads and everyone gets to at least try everything. Works?
Also, that Ondskapt is ace if you like De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, and if you don't you're gay.