i really wanna listen to some opeth right now

Which album? i just listened to morningrise the other day it had been a while but it was still pretty awesome!
How about lybm? Much better album than morningrise, It was fun because it had been a while.
Still Life

I don't understand why people worship Orchid and Morninrise that much. They're both a bunch of riffs glued together. It has its moments, but they're confusing.
Still Life

I don't understand why people worship Orchid and Morninrise that much. They're both a bunch of riffs glued together. It has its moments, but they're confusing.

I totally agree. Still Life is definitely where it is at. Those first two are a bit of a mess.
I have just listened Wolverine Blues. Awesome album from the beginning to the end.
I'm a bit late to the room. I needed to say, I finally got a copy of Leaving Your Body Map and Bath. I haven't stopped listening to mOTW for the last 4 days. Although, both of these records were released in 2001, this is a band that seems to be concerned about composing the best songs, that anyone with a love for music can obviously hear. But, the listener must pay attention. Music that requires ears that can discern timing and structure within a song. These records make you think, opening eyes and sounds. It has moved me, given me pause. Sitting their listening to these absolutely "ridiculous" musicians, is fuck,I don't know man? Awe-inspiring, peel me off the wall excellent!! Finally, a band that is creating their art because of their love for music. Not, to impress other musicians or bands, as it were, accentuating technicality over the music itself. I'm excited, as I listen to "sleep is a curse" which is beautifully sung and played. mOTW, WoW what a band. To those who would know, I'm going to explore Kayo Dot. So, "Dowsing Anemone" or "Choirs of the Eye." which one should I get. Yeh, every one says get fuckin' both, well which one to start? Thanx.