Cerulean said:1. are all fairies female?
2. how do they reproduce?
Awesome!Irja said:according to greec mythology
fairies are female
they reproduce normally with mortal men that they capture for a night after their dance.
but there is a legend that you can capture a fairy if you see her dancing with her tribe and while she is dancing you can steal her veil.Then she becomes a human but you have to hide her veil cause if she finds that she will become immortal again and she will leave...
there are bad fairies too...Here legent says that if you walk at a place that there are bad fairies you have to speak to no one you think that called you cause it is a trick of those creatures and they wil take your voice and curse you forever...
what's faries and "fantasy" got to do with one another?Irja said:haha hahaha
if you need any other info about fairies and other creatures let me knowI am a fantasy world freak
delete this thread nowIrja said:fairies are not real so they belong to fantasy world