I want to share with you...

Jan 23, 2003
A dream I just had!

I dreamt that I was a soldier in the Israeli army, which makes the dream even more unrealistic since I wasn't, and we were defending some kind of an old fortress or something, since the Palastenians were trying to get in. Anyhow, some Palastinian guy gets in through the door with this wierd gun, and we were pointing our weapons towards each other, and he tells me to lower my rifle, so I put it down, and I tell him "Inta", which means in Arabic "You" (as in "lower your gun too") and he puts his gun down, and we come towards each other and give a warm hug and we start to cry.

This dream is dedicated to all my Arab brothers and especially to all the our Orphaned Land Arab fans, who help these kind of dreams become reality.

dear Matti
thanks for sharing your vision with us.

no one like war for sure, no one like to kill, we are human and we share something deep inside of us called humanity, it's the thing that makes us all equal.
though there are times when times when our emotions (love or hate) leave us blind from seeing truth.

Arabs from all relegions Muslims, Christian and Jews lived in the holy land for many centuries togther, no one ever heared about making wars between these three relegions,and specaily in the holy land, Arabs in Palastine fought against British invasion and they also also fought against Israel, and I don't mean muslims, all of them, christian and jews, one of my friends' grand father (he is muslim) told me alot about the battles against Israelies in 1947 and before that, he fought side by side with other muslims, christians and jews (jews fighting Israelis), they were his neighboors and his personal friends, and he told me while he was crying about how did he felt when they died in those I cried with him too that day, and now I ask God to have mercy and peace upon thier nobel souls.

The thing that israilies didn't learn yet is that they won't have peace while they are spreading terror, they came and killed jews that resiset them, in the holy land of God ??!!

I want to go to the holy land, I want to pray thier, I want to unite with it's earth, I want to fell the blessings of God their, I love it more than all the Israelis do, cause if Israilies really loved it they wouldn't paint it with blood, they would leave that heaven to all mankind.

Jews were living with us all of the time, they are believers just like us, but Israel isn't a faithful country, you won't get peace, til it's down
obay bringer of light,
Unfortunately I have to say I agree with you.....
and the story is even more complicated than the way you put it......

the peace must start within us, then we can spread it all out....
I pray and wish for all the countries that have war or generally problems to find solutions and soon to live in peace and love.
I know that maybe this is difficult,but I bless this small community,our forum,which is consisted by people who are from different religions and cultures,but we all coexist in here!!!
It would be nice(although it is a childish idea) if high-standing people like leaders and goverments,could visit only for one time our forum,just to see how we "live"
unite in here... :worship:
obay bringer of light said:
dear Matti
thanks for sharing your vision with us.

no one like war for sure, no one like to kill, we are human and we share something deep inside of us called humanity, it's the thing that makes us all equal.
though there are times when times when our emotions (love or hate) leave us blind from seeing truth.

Arabs from all relegions Muslims, Christian and Jews lived in the holy land for many centuries togther, no one ever heared about making wars between these three relegions,and specaily in the holy land, Arabs in Palastine fought against British invasion and they also also fought against Israel, and I don't mean muslims, all of them, christian and jews, one of my friends' grand father (he is muslim) told me alot about the battles against Israelies in 1947 and before that, he fought side by side with other muslims, christians and jews (jews fighting Israelis), they were his neighboors and his personal friends, and he told me while he was crying about how did he felt when they died in those I cried with him too that day, and now I ask God to have mercy and peace upon thier nobel souls.

The thing that israilies didn't learn yet is that they won't have peace while they are spreading terror, they came and killed jews that resiset them, in the holy land of God ??!!

I want to go to the holy land, I want to pray thier, I want to unite with it's earth, I want to fell the blessings of God their, I love it more than all the Israelis do, cause if Israilies really loved it they wouldn't paint it with blood, they would leave that heaven to all mankind.

Jews were living with us all of the time, they are believers just like us, but Israel isn't a faithful country, you won't get peace, til it's down

I would like to understan you abdu, but there are some logical problems here.
first of all, you`re talking as if israel is a living crime, while its mentioned in all the monotheist books. Jews, you say, had fought against the israelis in 47. this is odd, because after 48 when israel recieved recognition by the nations, jews from all arab countries came to live here and fulfil a strong part of their religious essence as jews. in the bible, a all jews - israelites were in israel, and those who were not in israel were emphasized as DIASPORA. Jerusalem - Al Quds is definitly mentioned as a holy city in the quraan - so I know from reading the holy quraan and reading atricles about all sorts of modern issues in the eye of the quraan. Jerusalem, however, is Not mentioned as the proparty of the arab nations, nor palestine even mentioned in the quran. On the other hand, and here`s a CLEAR point which people all around the world should know about ISLAM: the holy quraan DO order to respect the "sons of Moses's religion" (jews). This is a clear call for awake! these are beautiful and powerful words The holy prophet muhammad, may his soul rest in peace, said, in order to build a basis for peace and harmony between the islamic nation and the jewish people. this reflects as well in the Quraan`s view on problematic issues - like those we have nowadays! You have no idea how brillient the quran is: its says in the holy quran that each issue/ problem/ question which is not clear - must be looked up in the Bible.

now, abdu, you blame israel for being non - faithful, right? well I agree about that. some israelis had lost their faith recently. who says its easy to be a jew? ;) But, and this is a big BUT, you sound as if israel is the only faithless country in the area. Do you think that countries which are ruled by Dictators, or abuse their founds for TERROR and to fertilize suicider terror are faithful in any way ? Do you?
And while calling israel/ palestine "The Holy Land Of God" do you think what is the origine of this beliefe? be sure that it didnt came from isral or christianity because even the mighty Pharaoh himself knew that there`s a nation calling israel this name.

And bye the way! regarding 1947 - there`s no records of jews fighting jews as a help to the arabs who resisted the exsistance of israel (which ofcourse exsisted in the past and never ceased to exsist, only the roman name that was given to it was more popular).

And final comment on the issue of who started it, you can never know for sure. the records I know, which were never denyed by palestinian historians, are the pogroms in Sefad and Hebron of 1928. Before this year, israel was starting to be reborn - swamps were dried out, agrecultural ground was de-stoned, and most important: infrastructure and foundation were build for transportation! the foundation that were here before that were only a tool made by the britts and the turks for their military needs. and im not even mentioning institution of any social or formal governing ! the place was a peacful waste land - no man's land. it was in contry by Rome, then by the Turks and the Ottman empire: under the control of the turks, israel was conciedered as Palestine, and was attached to Jordan and syria and was called "mighty syria". Later, the Britts ruled here and coudnt deciede what to do here with the place. they were driven out of israel only after the israel freedom militias (which were conciedered as Terror org. yet never hurt anyone which wasnt a soldier! wish terror was like that nowadays, huh?) and then, well.. thats better knowen now. BTW: the the situation that you describe now, regarding jews figting jews in 47, perhaps happened in very seldom occations. how can someone fight with those who fight against his brothers? Must have been a very strange enviroment for that to happen, huh? Nowadays what we have here is Beduine arabs, Druze and Christian arabs, and also Muslim arabs - all living in israel, serve the isreali security arms and defend israel from terror and other disasters.

just for the record: im not saying that isarel is perfect. israel did mistakes just like any other nation which have humans in its control. But blaming israel alone on this matter? Not making any logical sense.

I just want Matti's dream to come true and know that I believe it is VERY possible. VERY :wave:
My brother Matti i wish that your dream one day will become real. I wish that others too could see a dream like yours. Some times is good to take a dream as a sign. As a need of our soul and heart. Subconscious some times think and acts in a better way than an awaken "clear" mind.
I pray for peace on earth!
Although I don't like talking about the war in here very much, I wondered about one thing. Avi, you said that the "israel freedom militias" didn't hurt anybody. Are you sure about that? As far as the early Haganah is concerned, I think they were not terrorists in those times, apart from the early "street fightings" which were the only way of fighting before Israel had a real army. (and so, I think we can not blame just one side, the two were quite equal in terror) But, I have deep suspicion about Irgun and Stern and maybe some other smaller groups... Can you say they did not hurt the civilian?
I just wanted to ask this although I fear that the topic gets full with such posts instead of talking about Matti's beautiful dream. Maybe we should discuss this in other topics or other platforms?
well, the poet Yair Stern`s organization was called "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel" (Lechi) were focusing on foriegn forces inside israel. The other organization grew from the streets and their first activity was defending israeli towns and villages in the north of israel. they ofcourse had to fight arab peasants who attacked jews in the early riots, what seemed like they are attacking civillians. I am sure that civillians got hurt in those times, but the main agenda of those orgnizations is to set israel free from the hands of the ottmans and later the brittish. Defending jews from arabs, at those times, was a minor issue since they really believed that the arab riots were temporary and be stopped in the close future back then.

I see so far that this arguement is not messy and so far everybody respects each other :) and once again I declare that I purly believe this dream of matti now! I also had such dream onces, which as very alike!
I will not join the discussion- I understand about it, but all I want is to say that I am with all who want to support the dream of a united and peaceful middle east. I think that the people who come to this forum show, that if we try to understand one another and most importantly RESPECT the fact that we can have different views on certain matters- we can in fact achieve such brotherhood!

I want to state that Orphaned Land has made it possible for me to meet up with and write to a lot of people from countries I had only read about in the papers and through the love for OL's music which we all share- we came into contact and that has raised my interest for various subjects. I have changed my views about a lot of matters, not only Israel, but also Turkey and other countries. See, if these stories beget the faces of people you know, they become different. Now not only my mind is involved, but my heart is as well now and that makes me have a lot more understanding and compassion for someone else's situation.

I hope your dream will one day come true Matti- but I want to tell you that through your music you are already contributing to creating understanding between people from various religious and political backgrounds.

Love to all of you,
Yesterday I saw on the news some memebers of the "Azadin el Kasam" (they are a part of the Palastinian resistence) speaking. They were saying something like: "Things will remain peaceful for now, but they won't remain peaceful for more than 10 years", and I thought to myself: "Did this guy just say that things will be peaceful for 10 years?!?!?". And the truth is, that he did. I believe in dreams and I believe that they reflect how we see the future, and I can tell that I see Peacefull times comming. Let us hope that we will cross this bridge together on our way to our dream of living together in harmony.
peace is a very taugh word these days ,with all those radikals around , but ur dream MAtti is one of milion other persons who dream bout peace , specialy in our region ,it s a shame so a piece of metal wires seperates us , visiting the southern frontiere ,breaks my heart ,
i guess AXEL was rigtht we he said "all we need is a little patience" , and patience it is ...
the palestinian-israely prob is on peace road these days so good luck , after that our prob too ( after the near probable civil war in here ) and soon NAKOURA gate will be open , and the arabian high-way project will be completed , and with that it ll take me 90 minutes to visit you in ur house :D ...