i will fucking slaughter someone

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
the day started off alright... got some news about our show today that I wasn't fond of (paying $35 to use some band's PA), but I got over it. had practice at 11am. the practice went really well.. then they all left so we could rest up and get ready for a show we were to play in Atlantic City.

7pm rolls around and we load up the van. we leave, and we are on the Atlantic City express way... 30 miles away from AC... the fan belt snaps. I call AAA, and they do not cover the kind of van I have... I just got towed back home... $150 poorer, and the knowledge that I just had to cancel an appearance for the first time ever. GOD FUCKING DAMMIT
ah that really blows. just relax man everything happens for a reason. i guess the reason for you cancelling your first show is that you have to deal with it many times once you start touring all over the world. dont worry, DM is still awesome :)
Conquer All said:
everything happens for a reason.
No it doesn't. There's no reasoning behind things. Just what people make of them.
thats still chance in a way. Because the past is the past.... It has already happened. Iunno, I'm not in the best uh... thingy... to argue this right now.

Another time, david.