i will fucking slaughter someone

Oh no, Will.... sorry to hear that buddy.... :(
It sure does suck...

I always say that when this kind of shit happens to me, it only happened so next time i won't make the same mistake, so maybe you guys don't need to take a van like that to a more important show?
Will, (?) Sorry to hear that. I once got stuck between Pheonix to some other fucked up town with a van... I know the feeling . Sorry you missed a show.
Boohoo, you whiney ass bitch. This is probably a good thing for you because you seriously need to look deep within yourself and realize that you have absolutely no fucking growling talent whatsoever. You sound like every other fucker out there. Seriously, my fucking cat can growl better than you, and that's not saying much.

Go fuck yourself.
willbozarthlickshairyballs said:
Boohoo, you whiney ass bitch. This is probably a good thing for you because you seriously need to look deep within yourself and realize that you have absolutely no fucking growling talent whatsoever. You sound like every other fucker out there. Seriously, my fucking cat can growl better than you, and that's not saying much.

Go fuck yourself.

Was that supposed to be constructive criticism?? Give the guy a break.
JenniferGentle said:
That sucks Will. This entire week has been full of strange happenings.
you're telling ME

will this is just a time of weird shit happening to anyone and everyone.

you just gotta take what life gives you, when it gives a ton of shit you gotta look it in the eyes and say, so what i don't care! just move on.

look at divinity destroyed and see how many shows they've had to cancel for one reason or another.

the van breaking down does suck, but it can be replaced. you didn't get hurt and you can still play. thats what should matter. the rest can be replaced in time with money and patience.
Will, you have to make this work FOR you. Start a rumor like this:

"tempermental, eccentric metal genius Will Bozarth disappointed fans by being a no-show at Atlantic City, his publicist said.

Pamela Publicity issued this statement to a hushed press conference: "Will deeply regrets not being able to entertain Atlantic City. He was rushed to the hospital after experiencing (pick one, a) a heroin overdose b) gunshot wound or c) writer's block and doctors advised him that on-stage exertions could lead to further complications."

don't EVER admit to a broken fan belt, that's gay. If it had been a broken bullet belt, okay. :)
willbozarthlickshairyballs said:
Boohoo, you whiney ass bitch. This is probably a good thing for you because you seriously need to look deep within yourself and realize that you have absolutely no fucking growling talent whatsoever. You sound like every other fucker out there. Seriously, my fucking cat can growl better than you, and that's not saying much.

Go fuck yourself.

This guy sounds like he came from Blabbermouth.
See what's funny is how you think I'm some regular that comes here giving Will shit.

I'm not that same guy.

I am simply stating cold hard facts. His music is awful and his vocals are worse.