I FUCKING HATE Straightedgers...

tbh the Straight Edge kids were probably there for those 2 shit bands that opened for Mastodon during this tour. Against Me! and whatever else. pretty hardcorish/punk stuff iirc.

knock there ass out if they start some shit, they deserve it.
About 7 yrs. back I used to love Vision Of Disorder and went to one of their shows. Some shit-ass straightedge bands opened up for them and even back then those non-steak eating,Vegan preaching,narrow-minded music loving fag boys loved to start shit. One of the straightedgers ran up to my buddy and kicked a beer out of his hand, so right as I seen that I ran up and cold cocked the prick right in the nose and It immediately bled. Then I made him fork over 4 bucks for the beer he spilt.
To everyone here: dont take shit from them at shows and dont let them ruin your good time
I've had similar problems at shows with straight edge types. The mentality is pretty irrelevant towards the actual not drinking, it's simply unfocused aggression that gets directed towards outsiders, in this case non-straight edge. And they are among the most cowardly types I've seen, equivalent to any gangbangers in how they will mob a one or two individuals in large numbers. They seriously look for opportunities to initiate violence on people for the most insignificant reason, largely on account of wanting to express their "strength and respect, yo." The sheer twisted irony is that I've never seen any of them engage an adversary one on one or without weapon in hand.

Unfortunately for them in this town, there's a huge population of large, hostile native americans who like to drink and enjoy violence just as much, so their antics are fairly limited except for exclusively hardcore shows. Somehow the sight of a dozen 300 pound plus drunk long-haired Indian hellbangers sends them scurrying.
They used to have a huge scene in Louisville, but it's kind of dying down now. Although, at the most recent Necrophagist show a bunch of them came out for Ion Dissonance. There was one little tiny fucker that kept hitting people for no reason, trying to provoke them into hitting him back. The moment it worked, all his friends jumped in and kicked the shit out of the innocent guy who had just shown up to see a show.

Later, the little fuck was surrounded by about 5 or 6 big Viking dudes, and his buddies seemed to be nowhere in sight. He left the club shortly thereafter.
Could someone tell me what a straight edge kind of person is? first i've heard of them.
Kids that listen to hardcore, and now a lot of emo and metalcore fans. Usually have "X"s on their hands. They most likely drink jizz since they won't drink alcohol.
They're also vegan, and very loud and proud about it
Richmond has the same problem, to the point of actually having gangs/crews

H804 (for the area code), guerrilla crew, etc.

when i was a freshman, one of my friends got jumped by them because he was drunk... broke an arm and a leg.

theyve also been known to wait for drunks in backalleys downtown from time to time, slash tires, shit like that.

pretty fuckin' pointless too.
The funniest thing about them is that their philosophy on sex has always been "no sex before marriage." Then, a couple years ago, I started hearing some nonsense about "no meaningless sex before marriage."

Looks like blueballs can be a powerful moral force. :lol:
The point of this entire thing eludes me. Taking a moral standpoint against drinking and enforcing such a view by beating people up? Do they realise the inherent problems here?

Haha. :lol: Yeah, that's stupid. They totally contradict themselves. "NO DRINKING, BUT FIGHT US!" Stupid straight-edge faggots.
I just felt like posting in this thread since I'm still drunk from today (last "official" day at school). irony lolz
The funniest thing about them is that their philosophy on sex has always been "no sex before marriage." Then, a couple years ago, I started hearing some nonsense about "no meaningless sex before marriage."

Looks like blueballs can be a powerful moral force. :lol:
Thats funny.
and I guess blueballs leads to listening to the repetitive wannabetoughguy Throwdown and such:lol:
I just felt like posting in this thread since I'm still drunk from today (last "official" day at school). irony lolz

So, I'm guessing this is how your night went:

:kickass: <--Party
:puke: <--Puke
:kickass: <--Party
:puke: <--Puke

And now you're hung-over. That's hilarious. My head still hurts from last night, and I'm at school. :lol:
Apparently it was started when some punk band had to go and whine against other punk bands who smoked, drank and done drugs. They're baiscally super punks in that they took the "rebel against everything" thought pattern, and then said "Well i guess that means rebel against punk too"

More steak for the rest of us i guess
So, I'm guessing this is how your night went:

:kickass: <--Party
:puke: <--Puke
:kickass: <--Party
:puke: <--Puke

And now you're hung-over. That's hilarious. My head still hurts from last night, and I'm at school. :lol:

Nope. More like: go to school, work the first few periods while catching whatever craic may be at hand, have an early lunch with most teachers and fellow 6th years, before heading to one of the local pubs with a few like-minded 6th years and drinking some bevvy. It was good. Only downside was the presence of some unexpected funeral-goers who arrived at the pub before us, leaving a somewhat awkward atmosphere for a while.
So yeah... went and saw Mastodon tonight. They were great as usual.

But, during the set, some straightedger who was there for no reason but to be a douche started shit with a few of us till he got kicked out eventually.

A group of straightedgers, displeased with some of our drinking habits I suppose, decided to start randomly jumping people leaving the concert...

I managed to be a safe little bitch, but one guy i know got entirely fucked up. Broken nose, couple broken ribs, eyes swelled shut, and his nice Katatonia shirt ripped (which he is the most pissed about).

The drunken group of us tried to find them for a while, but they had disapeared.

I got jumped once before by these fucks about a year ago, it isn't the most pleasant experience. Sadly though, this seems to be happening more and more rapant around here... starting to get out of control. Can't enjoy a fucking show anymore cause of these cocksuckers. :mad:
I honestly don't know how you can enjoy a show and be drunk at the same time, it's fucking retarted.