I FUCKING HATE Straightedgers...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis
So yeah... went and saw Mastodon tonight. They were great as usual.

But, during the set, some straightedger who was there for no reason but to be a douche started shit with a few of us till he got kicked out eventually.

A group of straightedgers, displeased with some of our drinking habits I suppose, decided to start randomly jumping people leaving the concert...

I managed to be a safe little bitch, but one guy i know got entirely fucked up. Broken nose, couple broken ribs, eyes swelled shut, and his nice Katatonia shirt ripped (which he is the most pissed about).

The drunken group of us tried to find them for a while, but they had disapeared.

I got jumped once before by these fucks about a year ago, it isn't the most pleasant experience. Sadly though, this seems to be happening more and more rapant around here... starting to get out of control. Can't enjoy a fucking show anymore cause of these cocksuckers. :mad:
Yeah, in Utah its pretty bad... they're considered a deadly gang by the utah police force. Yet, they don't control them at all.
Yep. They're just losers looking for an excuse to start a fight.
Seriously, carry a club or flashlight. I threatened some before, but I had a maglite in one hand.
Something I hate is since I am too young to legally drink, some clubs draw X's on my hands. Even though I wash it off, some still stays on. I don't want people thinking I'm an edge fag. It's embarrassing!
I've gotten into verbal arguements with a fair share... the problem around here though is, you start something with one, then 5 minutes later his 30 friends are there gang raping you.

I try to avoid for the most part, but they like to crash the concerts I go to. For no apparent reason.

I need to fucking MOVE.
Something I hate is since I am too young to legally drink, some clubs draw X's on my hands. Even though I wash it off, some still stays on. I don't want people thinking I'm an edge fag. It's embarrassing!

I'm lucky. Around here, metal concerts go to usually the same 3 clubs, and I am friends with the owners of all of them, so I get to drink and don't have to have an X on the back of my hand.

I actually kept my personal drinking low tonight due to lack of money, just a few heini.
I wasn't even aware of this show till a few days ago... Old man mentioned that he was pissed he couldn't go. I said "wait, they're doing another show here already?! I'm there!"

Think its the 3rd time this year that I've seen them, or pretty damn close to. They get better every time. Really long fucking set tonight too, some nice jamming sessions.
The point of this entire thing eludes me. Taking a moral standpoint against drinking and enforcing such a view by beating people up? Do they realise the inherent problems here?
I'm such a callous prick, especially when it comes to things like this. They should die. I sincerely hope they get hit by a bus or caught in a drive-by or something. Beating someone up really badly because he disagrees with your views on alcohol? I really, really hope they die very soon. They have no place breathing my air.

I'm glad striaght edgers here are really calm and laid back...but they're Italian, so it's kind of a contradiction to be straight edge here, hehe.