I wish I didn't get so fucked up last night


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
The ol' "I'm just going out for 1 or 2 beers" got me good.

I woke up on my couch, TV on, stereo on, laptop on chest, eyeglasses askew, spilled drink, empty bottle of vodka on the floor, AIM windows flashing.

I didn't and still don't have any clue what happened last night.:kickass:
I woke up on a friend's loungeroom floor this morning with no idea how I got there. I remember doing some Triple Sec shots with my roommate before leaving, then getting to the party and drinking half a bottle of Absolut straight, then we hit the town.
Last thing I remember was getting kicked out of a club for being too drunk, then trying to break back in. Apparently I was kicking up quite a fuss and trying to get to another bar to keep drinking. I don't remember any of this though, I don't even know how I got back to my mate's place.

My head hurts.