i wonder how many people have formed a bad opinion of me because of that thread?


danny cavanagh
Apr 30, 2002
Visit site
because its not very nice is it? i have apologised on the thread so please read that if you feel like.
cheers dudes,
Well, I think you should get a haircut and a real job.. maybe then you'll earn our respect! :mad: :p
I havn't. Everyone can be snappy, just because it was you on that occasion it shouldn't mean people should blow it out of proportion and form an opinion of you. :rolleyes:
Anyone that takes time out to answer questions, contribute to discussions and interacts with their fans on such a regular basis deserves respect. Anyone that goes out of their way to apologise on a different forum is well, that is fucking cool :) , as you didn't have to do that at all.

So no. not a bad opinion at all, the opposite I'd say.

i'm just surprised they allowed a poetry thread on that board, being that it isn't anathema related in any way. ok now to the anger bit. cavanagh you whore!. . .

no, everyone has their bad days. miscommunication is often inevitable. life goes on.
hehe well its not my fault. I asked the same question and someone nudged me, so i figured it was the thing to do around danny of anathema :confused:

EDIT: (red next post first)(now comeback here) thats right! i am SO bad with names :p
Wow, two threads on the same topic, Danny is a spammer :p :). Hehe.

I never formed a bad opinion because of that thread anyway. Misunderstandings happen, and people will just have to force Thornie to use more smilies in future :D.
i never saw the thread itself, only thornie's choleric one, so i could only accept it under the pretense of being a fuckup. all's forgiven, ya lovable cunt. :D