I wonder what Mike thinks about Agalloch

^ They will never learn it.

@mike´s post:
I think he made the same mistake as most people when it comes to music like that, hearing one song briefly doesn´t reveal the band to you. When I first heard PF I was like "err...stop button please", but it got better eveytime I heard it.
Anyway, it´s all relative, but comparisons are ridiculous imo.
I think the best way to start listening to Agalloch is unexpectedly, I think I was listening to 'Opeth Radio' on Last.fm (because of course on Last.fm some muppet has decided that Agalloch are almost at the top of Opeth's similar artists :P) when Hallways of Enchanted Ebony started playing and I realised 'wow this is good', but unlike how with Opeth I love every song I have heard, Agalloch only have a few songs that really hold my attention (HOEE, Falling Snow and Not Unlike the Waves) the rest are only really good as background music when you are doing something else. (Contrasted with when I listen to Opeth I still break out the old Air Guitar regularly, I even started headbanging to Blackwater Park in the study area at school when it came on on shuffle XD just so hard to resist sometimes)
I don't hate them, I've no idea what they sound like apart from what I heard on one of their records that was sent to me by their label. Me and Jonas listened to it and all I remember is that we both we're like "next"!
Coming from Sweden, I can't say that I feel a growing need to hear more melodic black metal or whatever you might call it.

But, all luck to them. I'm completely indifferent to be honest...

I'm still lost in the psychedelia but I also started picking up lots of James Brown...btw...check out his dance lesson on youtube. Hilarious!

Now, THAT'S a performer if I ever saw one...

Cheers (in Mexico city now)

am I the only one who found it creepy that a concert was held for James Brown while his corpse was on display in front of the stage?
I just started listening to Agalloch because of this thread. I'm impressed, surprised I've never heard of them til now.

If Mike is accusing bands of ripping him off, he needs to remember all the 'influences' on his work. ;)

EDIT: Something I thought was creepy, I was making up this riff while listening to 'Fire Above, Ice Below', and it sounded nearly identical to a riff near the end of the song. I was like 'back to the drawing board'.
Lol, leave it to Mike to bring up something random like that. Funky chicken!

Some people are talking like Agalloch are a new band. I think their first release was late 90s with Pale Folklore, which is not as recent as some more popular bands.

They're fantastic if you appreciate them; the atmosphere they can create when you're really into it is just astounding. It might not sit well with some but as huge an Opeth fan as I am (i'm talking MASSIVE) they are amazing live, I actually took off my Opeth Tshirt in exchange for theirs..a first for everything lol.