

oops, btw the pics have nothing to do with the topic at hand:grin: just something i've always thought and was curious to know if anyone else did as well!
Black Winter Day said:
wow, i didn't know geddy joined agalloch!
lol i know, i have always thought there was a strong resemblance going on there. i think Haugm even has the nose. Don't know if he'd appreciate the comparison but oh well:Spin:
Anybody notice that several of the people mentioned in this thread have browsed it over the last couple of days (people that are never in this forum)? Do these people run a search for their name every morning or something? :loco:
I'm a bit afraid to click those donation links, but I liked your mp3 test.

Don't really care about Kelly Osbourne, if you love her I hope you score with her. She'd probably be an excellent lay since she has to make up for her looks, personality, attitude, weight, etc.
her looks
I agree she sometimes might wear little too much makeup.

personality & attitude

I like challengin personalities.

Being chubby is the new black. Keep up with the times, man!
Dark Chapter said:
lol i know, i have always thought there was a strong resemblance going on there. i think Haugm even has the nose. Don't know if he'd appreciate the comparison but oh well:Spin:
Actually I've heard that Haughm is a huge Rush fan so I don't think he'd mind.
Demonspell said:
Especially since it isn't the mulleted Geddy of yesteryear...
I love Rush but I suddenly started to take them less seriously when I saw the band pictures from the Grace Under Pressure album. What a terrible, terrible shot.

Great album though. One of my favourites from them.