doubting thomas

Here are the threads I was talking about where I knew someone was pulling my leg... and they are.

First: Baily in an accident

This one explains and discusses the offending thread: Holes in Baily/Jen's story
Most bizarre post came after mine. Yes, I did compliment "Baily" on his fake avatar of himself. :p

It's a long story about those two and there was another thread explaining, but I'm not going to dig it up. :p Basically, it was later found out Drew/Jules/Baily/whatever really was female and . First pretending to be two people (a brother and sister) and later Baily. Not sure about "Jen", but I think she was also Baily. Sad thing is I remember her from when I first came to the boards in 2000, so he/she/it had been playing this game for over three years. She obviously had a lot of time on her hands... and maybe had other problems as well, to make this whole thing up.
NicktheClayman said:
Huns killed more people than the Nazi Party, and Stalin combined. Kublikhan used to make pyramids out of peoples heads, he made one out of 20,000 dead soliders heads actually. On his tomb stone it reads, "If I was alive today the world would tremble."


20,000 heads wow. Murderous, witty, and with an amazing sense of balance. He's a triple threat
NicktheClayman said:
Huns killed more people than the Nazi Party, and Stalin combined. Kublikhan used to make pyramids out of peoples heads, he made one out of 20,000 dead soliders heads actually. On his tomb stone it reads, "If I was alive today the world would tremble."

Heh, I think you're misestimating a bit. 1939-1953 Stalin's atrocities killed some 10 million people, and the highest estimates are around 26-27 million. This is probably higher than the European population at the time of the Huns. The death toll for Hitler moves around 15 million.

_Zsuzsa_ said:
Well is somebody could be a HUN that would be me imho :grin:
Well, you probably aren't actually :P The Huns originated from Western China, and held an empire on the fringes of Europe for centurys, until Attilla drove them across Europe around 400AD. After their defeat, the Huns re-grouped in South-Eastern Europe, ruling over the local Slavs, and setting up an Empire in Bulgaria which would bother the Byzantines for a long time. After that, Western Europeans began to refer to all invaders from the East as Huns, including Mongolians, Turks and Magyars. So when the Magyars invaded the area and set up their realm, it became known as Hungary, even though the Magyars themselves had little relation to the actual Huns (the Hunnish blood was diluted and mainly in the ruling class).
Thanatos said:
@Ormir: I can use a search engine and the copy and paste functions as well :p
It really pisses me off when people think they're clevar clevar with inane comments like that :p

@Ormir, you also have to take into consideration how many Asians they killed.
Well, can you point me at some source which would give an approximation for how many the Huns killed?