IE 7 Beta 2 Preview

Erik said:
you're trying to get a site about WEIGHT LOSS, one of the three most popular email/website spam subjects on the internet (other than porn + penis enlargement), into the top 10 results on google

good fucking luck man, you'll need it to say the least

I did enough research before hand to know not to do something strictly related to weight loss. Her site is weight loss counseling. I've done everything I know of to keep her site strictly limited to weight loss COUNSELING searches. That's why it is (or was) in the top 5 or 10 at MSN and Yahoo.

I was told by a Google rep that almost all new website take 6 months to a year to show up on relevant search results on Google. It is their way of weeding out rip offs or something.
search engines to this very day have absolutely no reliabilty or any sense ... any SEO co. or engine rep you talk to will always give you totally different answers ... and NONE of them will ever guarantee you results you are looking for.
those Overture and AdWords campaings work, but even those have been open to fraud.

now I hear something else on the horizon, pay per click ... but only if it ends in a purchase ... i want to see how they will track this.
Erik said:
it's very easy really

just pass a unique number with every click on an ad

retain this unique number in a cookie or session variable all the way through the user's visit to the site, including when he submits the order

oh I know ... it's like any refferal link ... but for some reason, it still does not make sense to me on google ... or maybe it does

mystery post
lurch70 said:
oh I know ... it's like any refferal link ... but for some reason, it still does not make sense to me on google ... or maybe it does

mystery post

I would gladly pay 25% of my profits, rather than pay for clicks that never sell anything for me.
fotmbm said:
web design tip no. 1: Understand what the fuck you're doing (don't make programs do it for you)

I actually agree with this
I use dreamweaver but i learnt hmtl and handcoded a couple of sites before I even looked at it
so whenever dreamweaver fucks up (often) its not toooo hard to find whatever pish its done to the code

i fucking hate doing web design now

I'd rather just make sites in flash at least its compatable (self contained), but its such an arsepain to update flash that I don't

bah.....I just want to make nice pictures
fotmbm said:
web design tip no. 3: don't fucking make web sites in flash. you can make nice pictures in photoshop or whatever you want.

I can make nice pictures with my own poo if I like
but not if I don't have time because I've got to build a web site or do some other job that bores the fuck out of me

I've just grown to really dislike web work

nothing wrong with flash sites
especially if you want it to look the same on all these crappy browsers
fucking crap if you want it to be updatable without too much hassle
best for presentation sites i guess
yeah the problem is that by making flash websites you break every user setting the user has made, i.e. if i can't read your 7pt font that you have chosen i'm fucked because i can't use my browser settings to increase the font size. if you use green text on red background and i'm colour blind i can't change the background colour. if you embed mp3 files and i want to play them somewhere else than my browser i can't do that. if i want to save images i can't do that, if i want to print the page on my printer that won't work, i can't count on cut/copy/paste functioning correctly, you're breaking the browser's window management - can't open different pages in different tabs/windows, ETC ETC ETC

not to mention that you're excluding everyone with an older browser/older computer/mobile phone/PDA/whatever the fuck from viewing your precious flash and thusly from viewing your site at all

flash is a fucking nuisance for everything except funny games where you throw sheep over castle walls and such

the web is supposed to be USABLE for acquiring INFORMATION, not PRETTY on terms of the designer -- this is a very secondary goal if anything, and is one of the reasons it is a good idea to completely seperate content and aesthetics (xhtml/css)

best for presentation sites i guess
sure - if you have no textual information whatsoever that needs to be presented then flash might be a decent choice
Erik said:
it is a good idea to completely seperate content and aesthetics (xhtml/css)
this is true

Erik said:
flash is a fucking nuisance for everything except funny games where you throw sheep over castle walls and such

Erik said:
not PRETTY on terms of the designer
ah but you see, designers begin to see themselves as creative artistes, and as such, their ego sometimes becomes involved.
But you CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN make sites every bit as pretty using xhtml/css and possibly some server scripting if you want flashy stuff (and preferably otherwise as well to save you work and stuff)