If Burzum did 1 show... would you go?


Super Normie
Aug 22, 2007
Or if you prefer, how far would you be willing to go (distance & cost) to see Burzum do one great show?

For this exercise, pick whatever reason you find most plausible for Varg to decide to do one single show. Now assume he assembles the perfect band and the perfect venue with the perfect atmosphere. Now, assume that this show is going to take place half way around the world from wherever you are, and Varg has made it absolutely clear that he will never in his life perform another live show no matter what happens. Tickets (due in part to the very limited seating in Varg's tiny venue-of-choice) are $2,000 each.

Would you go? If not, how much might you be willing to pay?

Me, I think I'd go. It'd more than bankrupt me but, c'mon... it's the only Burzum show in history. I'm not at all a sentimental man, and usually when I convince myself to go out on a limb for opportunities which are supposed to be 'special,' I am sorely dissapointed and wish I had never done it. But this... is different.

Also, think about your ideal specifics for the show. What might the setlist look like, HLTO in full? Should the concert take place at the summit of an icy mountain, in the bowels of a dungeon, on Varg's farm or at a regular venue? Is there anyone particular you'd like to see in the live band?
The only answer to a question like this is to be glad you probably don't ever have to make such a choice. It's like... Suppose you're a young person, around 20 or so, and you love life and living, and you're terribly afraid of death, and you have a terrible disease, that will kill you in about five years, but you'll be rather healthy until the day you die. There's a surgery that may cure this disease, but may also kill you. This operation must be done in the early stages of the sickness, so you can't wait 4½ years and then do the surgery. Or suppose you're a loving parent who has to sacrifice one of your two children to save the life of the other. Choices like those.

There's really too much to lose in either scenario. Say you skip the show, and later find out it was so intensely cathartic everyone who saw it achieved instant nirvana. Or you buy the ticket, fly halfway across the world, and the show is cancelled for some bullshit reason, and you can't get a refund either for some bullshit reason, and you know the worst part isn't the money you lost, but the heartbreaking disappointment. And also, a volcano rapes your mother.
Probably not.

It seems like the feeling of Burzum wouldn't belong in a live setting, and there wouldn't be much movement in the crowd and with Varg and the other musicians.