If Burzum did 1 show... would you go?

There is no way with todays recession that a band would charge 2,000 bucks a ticket. Thats just ridicules.

Going and supporting such a band that would do something like this is also ridicules. but, no band would ever do this anyway.

Also getting halfway around the world would cost quite a bit as well.
Recently i've been fanboying over Burzum. So i'm THERE!!!

Depends on how far and how much though. I'd travel a max of 400 miles in my car, and spend 350 dollars to go. It would be a one of a kind experience.

It would be very interesting who would play the show. I'd like to see

Varg : Vocals and Keys
Fenriz : Drums
Ihsahn : Guitar
Samoth : Bass
I would do it for the people watching but I would tape my eyelids open so that the inevitable large population of bigoted retards who would be there wouldn't kill me
not interested in burzum. if I had a ticket, I would make somebody else happy

edit: I would make somebody happy
What do you mean bigoted retards?
Are these guys racist or something?

It's a one man project. He's got some funky neofolkvikingaryan pride thing going on and has been in prison for murder (not a "hate crime"). Go read about it on Wikipedia or something.
yeah I know. I was just poking gentle fun at the people who say things like "VARG WOULD NEVER SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT YOU'RE SO STUPID!" etc

I've been reading the Burzum bio on burzum.org. It's pretty cute how geeky Varg is:

In 1988 or 1989, when I had played the guitar for a year or two, I formed a band called Kalashnikov with two other guys. We called the band Kalashnikov amongst other things because that was the name of my favourite assault rifle. I used to play RPGs (Role-Playing Games), and when we were playing games like "Twilight 2000", I always equipped my character with an AK-74 (Avtomat-Kalashnikov 74). I also played fantasy RPGs, though, like AD&D ("Advanced Dungeons And Dragons") and MERP ("Middle-Earth Role-Playing") with GM ("Game Master") rules, and was very much influenced by the fantastic world of Middle-Earth. One of our songs was because of that named "Uruk-Hai", and we soon changed the name of the whole band to Uruk-Hai. I don't remember the lyrics of that song, but I don't think it was very deep or particularly advanced (the chorus was: "Uruk-Hai! You will die", or something like that...). Now, "Uruk-Hai" is as most Burzum fans should know the name of the "High-Orcs" of Sauron, and it translates as "Orc-Race", from Black Speech, the language of Mordor.