If Mort Divine ruled the world

The idea of any western country being 'Islamic' is fucking hilarious. There is no chance of that happening, ever.
Because the majority of Americans have agreed to a welfare state. Not saying it's right or the correct way, but I don't see it changing in this century.

I don't get this question out of that entire quote. The age and sex only matters in the case of Syrian refugees if they are actually different from previous refugee migrations. The author doesn't know nor have I see any article compare anything. Jews during the partial voluntary exit from Germany could be an example to compare, but no one has.

So you're trying to compare westernized Jewry to middle eastern Muslims? Regardless of the ages, pretty sure there were no mob sexual assaults from Jewish males in any countries where they gained refuge.

So you are helping me prove my point further? Thanks man. Sorry I haven't caught up on the latest numbers but that makes this scare tactic mob even more ridicolous. 31 men have been charged on Cologne, 18 being asylum seekers out of 900k. Holy shit let's all get scared.

17 are from Northern Africa btw (Algeria and Morocco)

You didn't read enough.

You don't understand the response to your first sentence, apparently. There is no zero violence in any country. X amount of people are going to commit crimes no matter what. Do "third world" peoples have a higher chance of committing than the "developed" peoples? I would agree to that, but it's not significantly higher. Nor is there any evidence to suggest that these peoples cannot change or adapt etc.

"Crimes". Yes, let's compare shop lifting with mass sexual assaults in full view of plenty of witnesses in multiple cities across a continent. Totally just like the "violence" pre-refugee waves. :rolleyes:

Sure, people "might change". Why not let them prove it before coming in?

Look at your dramatic language. "A relative instant", "destroyed." Jeeeesus christ. There's a struggle between being honest and not promoting xenophobia, and Germany messed up. Anyone who isn't an idiot knows that people will commit crimes.

All these scare tactics. It's amazing. Just because Muslim people have higher birth rates than I think any other religious people doesn't mean we are just one going to be like "Hey man, wtf happened?" :lol: I mean come on. I really don't care about these points, but you're really quite wrong on the whole idea of a perfect European society being tainted by Muslims.
Is it really that fun tearing down the strawman?
Dude, seriously? The comparison to the Jewish refugee movement is not about what crimes did the migrating Jews commit but rather who left Europe. I feel like I've said this several times.

Again, 900k refugees went into Germany and a group of ~30 are the accused. Sexual assault can be a slap on the ass to jamming your dick down the throat of an unsuspecting woman. 1 rape was reported. I'm not going to think everything deemed sexual assault was the worst thing imaginable.

How do you prove change or a delinquency in a previous country? What the hell are you even saying there?

Just because Christianity might lose its spot as the #1 religion by population on the globe does not mean Muslims are taking over. Jeeeezus.
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I think this might be the worst display of trying to explain "white privilege;"

There is no way of explaining white privilege that isn't bullshit.

Even though I think BLM is pathetic, it's really cool to see representatives of the movement have a civilised interview, also this man I have some respect for as he called out and ostracised that Shaun King fuckwit. Fucking hate that idiot.

But anyway, Thomas Sowell would slap the shit out of this fool. As would any statistic about police brutality and which races get killed more. I love that having a show and money is "privilege" but privilege is supposed to be something you DON'T EARN.

The idea of any western country being 'Islamic' is fucking hilarious. There is no chance of that happening, ever.

Unfortunately I probably won't be alive to see you eat those words. Especially since you just said "ever."
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and atheism is also growing rapidly while Christianity is demonstrably declining. Do the math.
Not to mention the SJW mentality as well as the radical Left and feminism is hurrying the process along with it's insistence on treating Islam like the new most oppressed demographic, blunting criticism with cries of cultural relativism, feverishly dismantling "white privilege" as they call it. It all has consequences.

i'm no expert as i've never lived in a multi-cultural city or anything, but i find this hard to imagine. i just suspect there'd be a backlash way before that point--nearly every 'normal' brit i know is already uber racist and anti-immigration, and the tories are tightening things up big time--but maybe i'm underestimating how gradual and subtle it'll be? certainly, right now there are hundreds of towns dotted all over britain with a very strong christian presence and tight-knit traditional councils who are extremely resistant to change. my fairly affluent and conservative town has several churches that are always rammed, seems like every second person i encounter has a cross around their neck, a large portion of the kids are involved in choir and scouts and all that gay shit. hardly any muslims around here either aside from a few curry houses. i'm not denying that some of the major cities are extremely multi-cultural now (others not so much), i'm just saying britain is weird, you only have to take a fifteen minute drive and you're in a totally different culture. it seems too simplistic to generalise based on, say, london and manc or whatever right now, but maybe where those cities go the rest will eventually follow? i'm not really sure how this shit tends to work, historically speaking.

The Abolition Of Britain is a great book that serves as the seedbed for my idea, 100 years is a long time, especially in the fast-evolving times we live in.
Unfortunately I probably won't be alive to see you eat those words. Especially since you just said "ever."
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world and atheism is also growing rapidly while Christianity is demonstrably declining. Do the math.
Not to mention the SJW mentality as well as the radical Left and feminism is hurrying the process along with it's insistence on treating Islam like the new most oppressed demographic, blunting criticism with cries of cultural relativism, feverishly dismantling "white privilege" as they call it. It all has consequences.

So the fact that atheism and Islam are both growing means that an islamic state in the west is inevitable? Do you honestly a think a society that is predominately atheist, agnostic, or moving away from religion in general is going to stand for any kind infusion of religion into their government or society? There might be more Muslims living in the UK as a result of this, but their society will never, ever, become Islamic. It just wouldn't make any sense. You seem to buy into conservative fear mongering way too much. Your views on liberalism confirm that.

Go buy more guns and build a bunker, the Islamic guvments comin fer ya! And watch out for the chemtrails while you're at it
So the fact that atheism and Islam are both growing means that an islamic state in the west is inevitable? Do you honestly a think a society that is predominately atheist, agnostic, or moving away from religion in general is going to stand for any kind infusion of religion into their government or society? There might be more Muslims living in the UK as a result of this, but their society will never, ever, become Islamic. It just wouldn't make any sense. You seem to buy into conservative fear mongering way too much. Your views on liberalism confirm that.

Society isn't moving away from religion in general, Islam is growing faster than atheism is. It's especially true here in Australia, even among the indigenous.

It's not fear mongering, I'm not going around saying there will be more rapes as a result of increased Islamic presence, actually one of the biggest issues I have with the Right is that they are trying to paint Muslim men as a rape demographic. Stop with all the boring Leftist character assassination crap and talk to me like a human.
I'm not doing that. I just don't get why you'd say the UK or any Western country is going to have an Islamic society. And in the west, religion is slowly dying with each new generation born, so it would seem that even with the influx of Muslim immigrants, the paradigm would remain the same.
That article doesn't seem to say that outside of an implicit mention regarding Nigeria, not Australia or the USA or wherever.
Muslims are the only major religious group projected to increase faster than the world's population as a whole.

Meanwhile, religious switching, which is expected to hinder the growth of some other religious groups, is not expected to have a negative net impact on Muslims. By contrast, between 2010 and 2050, Christianity is projected to have a net loss of more than 60 million adherents worldwide through religious switching.
So the fact that atheism and Islam are both growing means that an islamic state in the west is inevitable? Do you honestly a think a society that is predominately atheist, agnostic, or moving away from religion in general is going to stand for any kind infusion of religion into their government or society? There might be more Muslims living in the UK as a result of this, but their society will never, ever, become Islamic. It just wouldn't make any sense. You seem to buy into conservative fear mongering way too much. Your views on liberalism confirm that.

Go buy more guns and build a bunker, the Islamic guvments comin fer ya! And watch out for the chemtrails while you're at it

You haven't provided an argument or data for me to respond to. Ad homs and unsupported assertions about what will or won't happen in the future aren't going to cut it.

It doesn't matter that athiests are unlikely to convert. Athiests aren't having kids, Muslims are. Athiests are also quite a global minority anyway and not growing much outside of the graying west.

Maybe the problem is that Muslim majorities wouldn't occur in your lifetime, so you don't give a shit/can't think past the next meal.
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If populations ran the world, China and India would be #1 and #2. Poor people have kids, rich people don't. The argument has to be that the muslims will take over a nice country with resources (EU/USA/East Asia) but still have Muslims being made in the Middle East. It's quite asinine.

Projections are always bullshit anyways. You'll cite this projection, Dak, but make fun of a climate change one.

Muslim majority isn't the problem, it's that you are arguing they are going to take over Western countries.

Meanwhile, religious switching, which is expected to hinder the growth of some other religious groups, is not expected to have a negative net impact on Muslims. By contrast, between 2010 and 2050, Christianity is projected to have a net loss of more than 60 million adherents worldwide through religious switching.

60 million out of 2.2 billion?
@rms: Climate change isn't even remotely comparable to demographic projections, especially only 40 years out. Births/deaths are relatively easy to project, absent major war/pandemic.

Comparing geographically constrained nationalities with borderless religions also isn't apples to apples.
100 years is a long time.
100 years is a long time.
100 years is a long time.
100 years is a long time.
100 years is a long time.
100 years is a long time.
100 years is a long time.
100 years is a long time.
I wasn't talking about only Syrians.

100 years is a long time from a human perspective but it's extremely short from a historical perspective.

That's the problem. I was, the writer of the article was and basically anyone who talks about refugees are referring to Syrians. I have not heard one peep about the Algerians, the Morrocans or the Iranians coming to Europe. Nope, it's those Syrians.

A 100 years is an incredibly long time in modern history. Don't even know what you're talking about.
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