If Mort Divine ruled the world

I think the real problem in Britain is to do with the class system and by that I'm not wailing a marxist battle cry. Genuine conservative middle class people in Britain are rarer than Golden Eagles. All we really have now is a huge liberal middle class, who often work jobs that basically involve manufacturing more liberal middle class people, either through indoctrination / education or other means. They differentiate themselves from other classes of people mostly on how tolerant and liberal they are, but usually in a way that would never really make sense if you actually sat down and added it all up. So, for example, the lower classes have hereditary deficiencies and poorer genetics, but anyone who says that about some group not native to Britain is the very definition of a retard. They have their middle class identity as basically their entire existence and they feel a kind of fearful, animal-like shame about that, that they compensate for with extreme aggression whenever their shallowness is brought into question.
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I should probably know more about who Gloria Steinem is, but I don't. But here's her apology to what she said on Maher's show on Friday.

In a case of talk-show Interruptus, I misspoke on the Bill Maher show recently, and apologize for what's been misinterpreted as implying young women aren't serious in their politics. What I had just said on the same show was the opposite: young women are active, mad as hell about what's happening to them, graduating in debt, but averaging a million dollars less over their lifetimes to pay it back. Whether they gravitate to Bernie or Hillary, young women are activist and feminist in greater numbers than ever before.

tl:dr; Women should vote for Hillary and women are dick chasers until they get older.

One idea that I find interesting is she suggests that women have power in their 20s(early years) while men do not, and then this reverses later in life. This idea is what she uses to justify why women aren't supporting Hillary as universally as blacks supported Obama. Old women = love hillary because they are smart; young women love Bernie because they want some dick
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It's a pretty standard Red Pill observation that women's SMV is highest prior to 30/higher than their male peers, and forever after that men have higher SMV.

Also that western women tend to squander theit advantage riding the Cock Carousel until they hit The Wall and then try and lock down a beta provider.

Women love gubmint bux so they can pursue Alpha fux with abandon.
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Yeah, I thought it was hilarious that she was basically making the "men's rights" argument that women's primary source of power is through their vagina, and that they lose power as they lose physical attractiveness. I don't even agree with that, and I don't think she knew exactly what she was saying, but I laughed at that.

EDIT: Also, I didn't know until that interview that the top-paid female CEO is transgender. Pretty funny. IIRC, the female with the most significant contributions to computer engineering/processor development is also transgender. Flies in the face of transgender people having a wholly-female brain, the notion that men and women are of equivalent biological aptitude in competitive business environments, and the idea that it's discrimination that keeps women down in those fields (unless they argue that transwomen face less discrimination that ciswomen by men).

Looks as if Megan Phelps simply traded one cult for another. I've always said Social Justice Warriors were essentially the left's version of the Westboro Baptists.
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Isn't twitter getting castrated anyway? Some poor sweatheart little lassie had her feelingy wings hurted by a mean and nastie man on the internet, so we're getting some new filters installed to take away all of the negativity and make it a safe space for offended little puddings to sit in and play pooh sticks.
I should probably know more about who Gloria Steinem is, but I don't. But here's her apology to what she said on Maher's show on Friday.

tl:dr; Women should vote for Hillary and women are dick chasers until they get older.

One idea that I find interesting is she suggests that women have power in their 20s(early years) while men do not, and then this reverses later in life. This idea is what she uses to justify why women aren't supporting Hillary as universally as blacks supported Obama. Old women = love hillary because they are smart; young women love Bernie because they want some dick

Keep in mind that this woman is 80 years old and that 50% of what she says wouldn't fly with today's feminists. I watched the episode and the fact that she was raised on second-generation feminism poured through. However, she's old and her mind isn't as sharp; as well, old people tend to think that younger people are unintelligent, or at least inexperienced. How to explain this in a second-generation Freudian riddled feminist point of view? Libido, of course. Her point on younger women having more power isn't correct taken just as that, but, if interpreted as potentiality as power, I would certainly agree. Younger women are less likely to be tied down by children.