If Mort Divine ruled the world

They tried to legislate that here but, from what I heard, some Veterans won the lawsuit about banning guns on public property. Some vets carry, but knives and everything would put these white collar fuckers in an uproar.
My university just released a report that 28% of women have been victims of sexual assault.


Spoiler alert, unwanted sexual touching is included.


"Catching you off guard and unexpectedly doing something you didn't want". Not vague at all :rolleyes:. Incidentally, male graduate students had the highest response rate, followed by undergraduate women. Lowest response rate from graduate women. Little holes in the narrative.
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Could even be a simple hand on the arm, since the definition is entirely left up to the subjectivity of the responder (unless someone can provide me with a less vague definition given to the surveyees).
Never convicted, yes, but he still did questionable things with children. Lack of conviction =/= lack of guilt.

My point though is that people should be consistent if they are morally against the ideals or actions of specific artists or movements. Listening to music with themes of sexual violence and murder, but refusing to listen to music with racist themes, is basically an implicit admission that one thinks racism is more serious or harmful than murder.