If Mort Divine ruled the world

on the other hand, here are my rules on lesbians:

- it is completely fine to be lesbian if you're hot
- you can perform as much gratuitous PDA as you want if you and your partner are both hot lesbians, especially in front of Aug
- it is even better if you're bi and let Aug join in

It's funny you say that. To be lesbian was one of those "we sweep it under the rug but we accept it" things to Western culture for much of history until the influence of Freud in the early twentieth century brought sexuality under the microscope. This wasn't the case with homosexual men.
Not a chance in hell that number is right. I'm almost sure 8 out of the people you run into (even here in Cali) would tell you they have no problem with fags but dont support them or their lifestyles whatsoever. Also, USA =/= public opinion of THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD. GTFO out of here with your little propaganda articles.

Honestly, I hope you get murdered before you can spew more of your shit.

EDIT: Blah blah blah i'm the problem with society etc. Don't even care, fucking kill yourself you complete piece of shit.

death to those who don't agree with your faggotism? Why am i not surprised? That's a staple amongst your kind. And the funny thing is you guys are the ones who accuse others of having those kinds of vicious, poisonous attitudes. Lol, your a fucking joke man.
Not a chance in hell that number is right. I'm almost sure 8 out of the people you run into (even here in Cali) would tell you they have no problem with fags but dont support them or their lifestyles whatsoever. Also, USA =/= public opinion of THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD. GTFO out of here with your little propaganda articles.

Sometimes I find it disheartening how slow large elements of the UK population are at keeping up with the times/not being cunts.

Then I remember America.
well i would consider it a personal insult and feel an overwhelming sense of failure if i ever had a son that was taking it in the ass. i would throw him out.
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well i would consider it a personal insult and feel an overwhelming sense of failure if i ever had a son that was taking it in the ass. i would throw him out.

What the fuck, why?? It's not even his fault that he's gay, let alone yours!
well maybe not throw him out. just shake my head in sad disappointment every time i look at him

i'd want a son i could go whore hunting with and drink beers with, laughing and patting each other's back about bitches we'd banged
I would rather get shot in the head than have a gay son.

And there it is. I particularly love the irony in your assumption that it would be infinitely more difficult for you to live as the father of a gay man than for a gay man to live as the son of a homophobic father.

Please do try and grow up someday, especially if you decide to have children.
It's funny you say that. To be lesbian was one of those "we sweep it under the rug but we accept it" things to Western culture for much of history until the influence of Freud in the early twentieth century brought sexuality under the microscope. This wasn't the case with homosexual men.

that's not surprising, women going down on each other is sexy but men sucking dick is gross. weren't the greeks all gay tho?
I don't mind gays but I hate the weird retarded people who associate any kind of quietness or intellectualism with passive homosexuality. If I was in charge I'd totally destroy their culture by making all prisons solitary and full of CCTV that the guards can't turn off and that gets streamed live to other locations. I would be intolerant of the thick.
Given that your prisons would be purely for punishment and excluding people from society, would you continue to imprison those that had committed crimes like shoplifting, fraud or drug possession?

Would you implement much longer sentences (e.g. 'life means life')?
Given that your prisons would be purely for punishment and excluding people from society, would you continue to imprison those that had committed crimes like shoplifting, fraud or drug possession?

Would you implement much longer sentences (e.g. 'life means life')?

Drug possession - probably not, it just fills up jails and each prisoner costs about 40K to keep, under the present system at least

fraud - the thing is, risk takers, career criminals etc, would run wild without the threat of prison, I know smart "nice" people who would commit wild fraud if they knew there would be no chance of prison

shoplifting - smackheads who could do with a cold turkey stretch in the kind of prison i described

I'd still allow library access and visits / phone calls, probably TVs too, I don't want them coming out drooling and shitting everywhere.

About life meaning life, erm, the only thing I take issue with is when people actually go after someone, stab them, the person dies and then the attacker gets 2 years for manslaughter. I suspect it happens more in certain places than others for political reasons I wont go into. Anyway it's shit and I'd get rid of that, if you actually attack someone with a knife and they die, you killed them, end of, murder should be the only possible charge, not manslaughter, unless you stabbed them in self defense. There would be at least 4 less murders each year under my system anyway, with the elimination of murder within prisons.

But, no I don't think every or many murderers need whole life tariffs, but I think people who have committed further murders inside under the current system do, as they obviously aren't changing and there has to be that threat over the head of normal "lifers", that they can't just kill someone and get their first release denied, they'll actually end up dying in solitary if they kill someone. Obviously my system would get rid of that problem anyway though. You would also have far less of a drugs problem, if any and bully characters would have their whole way of life fucked by having no one to abuse.
Maybe one day Mort will learn the difference between tolerance and approval. Tolerance is arguably valuable, even if only for mere reasons of efficiency. Raging against a lack of approval is disgusting and infantile, and quickly escalates to absurdly overkill levels (kill yourself! I hope you get murdered!) in a manner even self-absorbed toddlers cannot compete with. You cannot argue or reason with a screaming toddler, you can only discipline and/or ignore it.
Maybe one day Mort will learn the difference between tolerance and approval. Tolerance is arguably valuable, even if only for mere reasons of efficiency. Raging against a lack of approval is disgusting and infantile, and quickly escalates to absurdly overkill levels (kill yourself! I hope you get murdered!) in a manner even self-absorbed toddlers cannot compete with. You cannot argue or reason with a screaming toddler, you can only discipline and/or ignore it.

You at some point seemed to be a reasonable person, but when you think that me having a rightfully angered response to "I'd rather get shot in the head then have a gay son" or "round up all the flamboyant gays and exterminate them" or any other of the fucked up things TB and Aug have been spewing is WORSE than those statements themselves...

Tolerance is not what either of them are doing.
Tolerance is actively tolerating even if something makes you uncomfortable and neither are doing that.
You at some point seemed to be a reasonable person, but when you think that me having a rightfully angered response to "I'd rather get shot in the head then have a gay son" or "round up all the flamboyant gays and exterminate them" or any other of the fucked up things TB and Aug have been spewing is WORSE than those statements themselves...

"I'd rather shoot myself than...."
"I hope you die for thinking that"

Looks like TB is being a lot less hateful although maybe not any less absurd. Getting upset about aug is just hilarious. The guy is too busy making money to buy whores to be taken seriously outside of discussion of the economics of omegatude.

Tolerance is not what either of them are doing.
Tolerance is actively tolerating even if something makes you uncomfortable and neither are doing that.

TB is being moderately tolerant.