you're getting angrier than me, Dak
It's just frustration with seeing the same pattern repeatedly. At least Orwell had the excuse of living in the pre-internet era.
I think you have a difficult time understanding what's staring you in the face. But then it's no surprise that all you can do is apologize for the mighty imperialists, so long as they bring science and technology.
There are multiple ways to rebut your comment, but at this point I'm just tired of arguing with you.
I'm not defending the violent aspects of imperialism. I am saying that acting like (in this case British) imperialism is the cause of the whole situation of whereever they landed is a position mired in ignorance. Furthermore, the only consistently attempted alternative to global capitalism has been shown to consistantly fail at providing basic necessities to its population when not outright slaughtering people. The worst that global capitalism does, at least materially (Orwell's concern), is require a country to go through a brief phase of sweatshops etc (still materially advantageous in most cases to prior conditions) while capital builds up infrastructure and education to shift the population to more technical labor, while providing a surplus of material goods for the growing portion of the population that is unable to master the skills needed for an advancing economy. A material surplus which, by the way, exceeds that of the immediate and personal disposal of a king or multimillionaire up until the last century or less.
What does communism or socialism provide?

Of course, a more enlightened socialist would say that you just need to mix things right. Venezuela was a great example of this until it wasn't:

Even the worst slum you could find in the US is more likely to populated by obese persons fiddling on their smartphone than skin and bones starvation. Global capitalism has its own issues but they aren't material, they are cultural/"spiritual".