The House voted to release the FISA memo and CNN et al are in full blown crisis management mode ahead of the release.
Absolutely mortifying.
the yoga industrial complex. now ive heard everything
Eh, it's Breitbart, could just as well source Onion.com.
Surely you're not too drunk to follow the sources provided within the article: http://www.kzoo.edu/praxis/yoga/
To the so many white people who practice yoga, please don’t stop
But Onder's right that it still is Breibart, and Breitbart published that article with a very specific purpose in mind: to infuriate its readers that the liberal elite is once again claiming white hegemony and colonialism and trying to outlaw something as innocuous as yoga.
But let's be honest, the vast majority of white Americans who practice yoga probably won't ever hear about this piece; and I kinda doubt that many of Breitbart's readers practice yoga.But that's me being presumptuous.