If Mort Divine ruled the world

I had just said there are differences, or distinctions; particulars. But these don't lend themselves to Capitalization, to perverse enchantment. When I say meaningful I am referring to this imbuing of a difference with mystical significance.

But those differences, distinctions, particulars, don't really matter. That's what you're saying.

Capitalism was an unprecedented revolution in social organization and thought. Forms of oppression under capitalism are meaningfully different than those that preceded them not because of any mystical or "perverse enchantment"--they're different by dint of the very material conditions that enabled them. You're separating the individual experience of being enslaved from the social, political, and economic machinations that inform the development of slavery in various times and places; and you're elevating this experience as evidence that all forms of oppression are basically the same.
But those differences, distinctions, particulars, don't really matter. That's what you're saying.

They matter in the sense that there is a technical difference, like it matters how a combustion engine works differently than a steam engine. However, it's still transportation. But we can't even make individual distinctions with oppression, generally speaking, like we can with transportation. We don't have "faster whips" per se, like transportation can be faster. You can't be more dead than dead, re genocide. Does it matter if you die by guillotine? By flechettes? By starvation? Typically we make distinctions on death based on the length of agony between initial effect and death, but on an impartial assessment of instruments of death our rhetoric and the science of death shows loose if any correlation.

Looking ahead to the next quoted section: We have a similar issue with oppression, but the correlation goes from loose to nonexistent. It appears that those controlling the language start with a systematic aversion to all things with are capitalistic (I apologize for any confusion in referring to capitalization), and work backwards, forwards, and sideways to make sense of every other phenomena, all of which are, of course, oppressive.

Capitalism was an unprecedented revolution in social organization and thought. Forms of oppression under capitalism are meaningfully different than those that preceded them not because of any mystical or "perverse enchantment"--they're different by dint of the very material conditions that enabled them. You're separating the individual experience of being enslaved from the social, political, and economic machinations that inform the development of slavery in various times and places; and you're elevating this experience as evidence that all forms of oppression are basically the same.

All revolutions have been unprecedented. That's what makes them revolutions. Separately, it makes no sense to speak of oppression outside of the actual experience of being oppressed. I'm not elevating it, I'm referring to the thing. Social, political, and economic machinations of ------- is what you have without an oppressed person. The concept breaks down without the individual to be oppressed. You've actually managed to, without trying, explain this SJW language that (over-uses) the term "bodies" to me. You're intellectualizing the bodies away.


Maybe a non-drawn sort of comic example would make my point more clear.

In one panel, a person performing menial labor as a whip cracks overhead. The title reads "Historical Slavery" or whatever. In the other panel, the same image but now there are dark clouds and the labeling text has vibration effects and is emboldened: CAPITALISTIC SLAVERY. Or Chattel Slavery, or whatever you label you wish to mean things were very much so super bad worse.
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What's the difference outside of scale/efficiency?

The manner in which it was conducted. All genocides are brutal--of course. I've studied a decent amount on the Rwandan genocide, for example, and it was actually wider in scale, in terms of percentage of victims out of ethnic population and of percentage of perpetrator participation out of total male population, and it was also more efficient than the Holocaust, with some 800,000 killed in just six weeks, so it's not scale and efficiency that make the Holocaust stand out (although it was nonetheless enormous in scale and efficiency, and the word genocide was defined as a result of it).

What is utterly unique about the Holocaust is the industrial aspect, and it would be a mistake to consider this to just be an aesthetic difference. Jews, gypsies, gays, and political dissidents were shipped via train hundreds of miles to what were essentially death processing centers. Once arrived, victims were extracted of any sort of profit that could be taken from them, from their hair, which was used in mattresses and pillows for the German population, to their shoes. Women, children, and elderly, deemed worthless, were sent thereafter immediately to their deaths. The men were given enough food only to be able to work while slowly dying and were compelled to work, whether in a synthetic rubber factory to feed the Wehrmacht like Primo Levi or in the death factory untangling and organizing stiff dead bodies fresh from the gas chambers like a Holocaust victim I once met. And of course even the bodies of the dead were stripped of anything profitable to the war effort and Hitler regime. The Tutsis were killed with machetes outside of their homes. Holocaust victims were filed into a complex, industrial extraction and extermination system as raw commodities to be processed.

Of course, the entire Holocaust wasn't conducted like this. The first million Jewish victims were killed by the Einsatzgruppen and less specialized police task forces via a bullet to the brain, and the use of poisonous gas and crematoriums began in fact with the killing of disabled people, but then, in proper industrial fashion, when more efficient means to produce death were discovered, they were adopted and implemented.
Good point, it is rather bizarre that the incredibly advanced Hutu industrial sector didn't use their long-standing education and skills in chemistry, vehicular design, and factory processes as the Germans did, and instead bizarrely opted to simply use machetes, implements which had no relevance to their lives seeing as it was the Tutsis that were uneducated and primarily worked in agriculture. I never thought of it that way.
it would be a mistake to consider this to just be an aesthetic difference
The Tutsis were killed with machetes outside of their homes. Holocaust victims were filed into a complex, industrial extraction and extermination system as raw commodities to be processed.

Well of course it isn't just an aesthetic difference, but it appears that this may be precisely the difference which leads to the special significance placed on it.

Is it that the Nazi systemization of genocide has a uniquely industrial capitalistic aesthetic, which somehow adds an extra layer of horror for those already horrified by capitalism? It seems more inhuman? Getting hacked apart by machetes is in comparison very human, very uncapitalistic, and so not quite so problematic. I project that the visceral reaction to slaughterbot driven genocide might be revealing in this matter.
They matter in the sense that there is a technical difference, like it matters how a combustion engine works differently than a steam engine. However, it's still transportation.

And I'm saying that there's something wrong with explaining away the history of transportation by simply saying "people got from one place to another somehow. No use in understanding the social organization that informs how they got from one place to another."

The abstract model or organization that underlies actual practices is inextricable from the practices themselves, and if we want to understand the mindset and values that accompany said practices (whether it's transportation or slavery) then we need to understand the social form as much as we understand the physical movement of bodies (this will come back into play w/ re. to your comment below).

All revolutions have been unprecedented. That's what makes them revolutions.

I agree--but not everything is a revolution.

Separately, it makes no sense to speak of oppression outside of the actual experience of being oppressed.

By way of analogy, it's true that you can't study ant behavior without individual ants; but you can't understand the full evolutionary structure of ant behavior by just looking at the experience of one ant.

I'm not elevating it, I'm referring to the thing. Social, political, and economic machinations of ------- is what you have without an oppressed person. The concept breaks down without the individual to be oppressed. You've actually managed to, without trying, explain this SJW language that (over-uses) the term "bodies" to me. You're intellectualizing the bodies away.

This is a really good point and sets up an actual area of contention that we can discuss. Again I agree, the concept breaks down without individual actors. You can't have the formal structure without the physical components.

I think you're right that my comments and perspective intellectualize the bodies away; in fact, I think that's a really good way to put it, and helpful.

My approach to topics like this is always one of shifting scales. I would never want to discount the experience of inhumanity that lies at the individual level of something like slavery and other forms of oppression. Experiences matter, yes, and they're incredibly helpful for arriving at a set of ethical standards. Even if people disagree on what needs to be done, they can at least agree that something should be done.

This is a question of scale, and different scales offer limited amounts of information. I don't believe that individual experience can ever hope to accurately tell us about the real form and mechanics of systems like slavery, whether in ancient Rome or in the antebellum American South. In pure personal appearance/accounts they might look very similar, but the social forces behind them are very different and just as important for understanding the qualities of enslavement and other phenomena. We can't say that "slavery is slavery" or "oppression is oppression" just because the individual experiences are roughly the same. This premise elides crucial details for understanding how slavery is perpetuated, what values inform it, how those values intersect with other social spheres (religious, economic, political, etc.).

It's true that individual suffering maintains some general continuum of experience, whether at the hands of the Nazis or Hutus; but such experience tells us very little about the social form and institutionalization of oppression.

Is it that the Nazi systemization of genocide has a uniquely industrial capitalistic aesthetic, which somehow adds an extra layer of horror for those already horrified by capitalism? It seems more inhuman? Getting hacked apart by machetes is in comparison very human, very uncapitalistic, and so not quite so problematic. I project that the visceral reaction to slaughterbot driven genocide might be revealing in this matter.

You've inferred some kind of difference in degree, but all BO is suggesting is a difference in kind. Just because techno-capitalist oppression is different than being hacked to death by Hutus doesn't make one worse than the other.
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Well of course it isn't just an aesthetic difference, but it appears that this may be precisely the difference which leads to the special significance placed on it.

Is it that the Nazi systemization of genocide has a uniquely industrial capitalistic aesthetic, which somehow adds an extra layer of horror for those already horrified by capitalism? It seems more inhuman? Getting hacked apart by machetes is in comparison very human, very uncapitalistic, and so not quite so problematic. I project that the visceral reaction to slaughterbot driven genocide might be revealing in this matter.

There's a number of reasons why the Holocaust is bestowed such significance, and the mass influx of Jewish academics like your boy Mises into American universities in the 30s and 40s of course plays into this as well. In any case, it wasn't the first German perpetrated genocide of the 20th century to employ concentration camps and industrial technologies (although most victims of the genocide of the Herero were killed by forced exposure), and the genocide of the Armenians also incorporated mass transit in no small part influenced by the German experience in German Southwest Africa. What makes the Holocaust unique isn't its employment industrial technologies; rather that the Holocaust itself was its own industry with its own means of production, supply lines, and bureaucracy, and the accompanying governmental regulations thereof. It's not that it's more inhumane than others. It's the utter de-humanization/commodification of its victims that makes the Holocaust unique.

None of this is to say that the Holocaust is somehow more evil/bad/whatever than the genocide in Rwanda. It would be idiotic to host a dick measuring contest with genocide, and any academic worth their sticks knows better than that.
And I'm saying that there's something wrong with explaining away the history of transportation by simply saying "people got from one place to another somehow. No use in understanding the social organization that informs how they got from one place to another."

The abstract model or organization that underlies actual practices is inextricable from the practices themselves, and if we want to understand the mindset and values that accompany said practices (whether it's transportation or slavery) then we need to understand the social form as much as we understand the physical movement of bodies (this will come back into play w/ re. to your comment below).

By way of analogy, it's true that you can't study ant behavior without individual ants; but you can't understand the full evolutionary structure of ant behavior by just looking at the experience of one ant.

I'm probably not clear enough in that I don't have a problem with understanding particulars, or aiming to explain away something, unless it is to explain that there's not a unique capacity in capitalism or in a particular race for slavery. On the contrary, it is only under capitalism and in western countries (or under their influence) that we've seen the abolition of slavery as a practice and a virtue. This is, in fact, unprecedented. Now, I know that the argument is that the practice has merely taken on new, more opaque and complex forms, but I think this rather makes the point about the universality of the practice in terms of human behavior. Capitalism commodities, and humans have proven to be very poor commodities, and so what explicit slavery we still see is at the margins of what has as of yet been resistant to complete commodification (sex). As this arena is more completely commodified, we should expect to see further reductions in slavery. Of course, other problems are and will likely arise, but the point being that capitalism and slavery hold only a historical link, not a necessary one. Which is not the sort of understanding one finds advanced by your average SJW, or by your hostel living barista communist.

This is a really good point and sets up an actual area of contention that we can discuss. Again I agree, the concept breaks down without individual actors. You can't have the formal structure without the physical components.

I think you're right that my comments and perspective intellectualize the bodies away; in fact, I think that's a really good way to put it, and helpful.

My approach to topics like this is always one of shifting scales. I would never want to discount the experience of inhumanity that lies at the individual level of something like slavery and other forms of oppression. Experiences matter, yes, and they're incredibly helpful for arriving at a set of ethical standards. Even if people disagree on what needs to be done, they can at least agree that something should be done.

This is a question of scale, and different scales offer limited amounts of information. I don't believe that individual experience can ever hope to accurately tell us about the real form and mechanics of systems like slavery, whether in ancient Rome or in the antebellum American South. In pure personal appearance/accounts they might look very similar, but the social forces behind them are very different and just as important for understanding the qualities of enslavement and other phenomena. We can't say that "slavery is slavery" or "oppression is oppression" just because the individual experiences are roughly the same. This premise elides crucial details for understanding how slavery is perpetuated, what values inform it, how those values intersect with other social spheres (religious, economic, political, etc.).

It's true that individual suffering maintains some general continuum of experience, whether at the hands of the Nazis or Hutus; but such experience tells us very little about the social form and institutionalization of oppression.

You've inferred some kind of difference in degree, but all BO is suggesting is a difference in kind. Just because techno-capitalist oppression is different than being hacked to death by Hutus doesn't make one worse than the other.

Well then we are in agreement that one isn't worse than the other. That's been my point - that The Holocaust or The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade have been imbued with additional significance, that they were somehow worse, either because of scale, or because of the support of racial ideologies, etc. I'm picking these two things not because they themselves bother me, but that they are the most salient examples. World War II gets far more attention than WWI, but WWI was arguably more significant in terms of revolutionizing everything about warfare.

Understanding in depth the way that all particular historical factors involved contributed to the atrocities of The Holocaust, or the TAST wind up being misinformative insofar as those factors are seen as purely particular and not outgrowths of longstanding facets of human behavior. This is the fundamental point of contention, I would say, between those which could be divided as "conservative" vs "progressive", or as Sowell labels it, the "Constrained" vs the "Unconstrained" world view. The conflicting visions often lead to differing interpretations of what amounts to a problem, but even when there is agreement on a problem, attempts to jointly approach it and/or prevent recurrence fail to launch.

As an example: I just finished White Trash the other day. After laying out the history of intransigence on all sides of the class divides, and the failure of both the New Deal and the Great Society to uplift the longstanding white poor/rural classes, the author closes the book with several pages of "this is why we need another New Deal", essentially. I saw every reason throughout the book why this is precisely the wrong takeaway.

There's a number of reasons why the Holocaust is bestowed such significance, and the mass influx of Jewish academics like your boy Mises into American universities in the 30s and 40s of course plays into this as well. In any case, it wasn't the first German perpetrated genocide of the 20th century to employ concentration camps and industrial technologies (although most victims of the genocide of the Herero were killed by forced exposure), and the genocide of the Armenians also incorporated mass transit in no small part influenced by the German experience in German Southwest Africa. What makes the Holocaust unique isn't its employment industrial technologies; rather that the Holocaust itself was its own industry with its own means of production, supply lines, and bureaucracy, and the accompanying governmental regulations thereof. It's not that it's more inhumane than others. It's the utter de-humanization/commodification of its victims that makes the Holocaust unique.

None of this is to say that the Holocaust is somehow more evil/bad/whatever than the genocide in Rwanda. It would be idiotic to host a dick measuring contest with genocide, and any academic worth their sticks knows better than that.

Well the Holocaust and the TAST obviously have some salience in the US because of the history and the asylum granted Jewish academics. Again, my point is precisely that while different, or even unique, it's not Different. It is not worse. But one wouldn't know that based on the amount of ink spilled on these vs other atrocities.
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you could see the dying all over his face, the decaying, the thinning, that he was disappearing into something white, desiccating into something white, erasing himself, so that we would forget that he had once been Africa beautiful and Africa brown, and we would forget his pharaoh’s nose


EDIT: That "black God" stuff is a perfect mix of creepy and pathetic. Actually cringed a little reading it, usually that kind of stuff only makes me laugh.

EDIT #2: Overall I liked the article, a nice view into the mind of a person that thinks he and all those of some shared ethnic background need to be led by a god figure, and that said god figure has an obligation to promote his ethnicity to the betterment of his followers.
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Well then we are in agreement that one isn't worse than the other. That's been my point - that The Holocaust or The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade have been imbued with additional significance, that they were somehow worse, either because of scale, or because of the support of racial ideologies, etc.

Being endowed with significance doesn't translate into evaluating something as worse in degree, of course. It's true that scholars and intellectuals pay a lot of attention to these phenomena, but it's not because they're worse than the Great Terror or the Cultural Revolution or the Rwandan Genocide (which plenty of scholars also study). Simply attending to the particular complexities of a historical occurrence doesn't mean one assumes it to be somehow more important than any other occurrence (or in the case of genocidal phenomena, more egregious).

Understanding in depth the way that all particular historical factors involved contributed to the atrocities of The Holocaust, or the TAST wind up being misinformative insofar as those factors are seen as purely particular and not outgrowths of longstanding facets of human behavior. This is the fundamental point of contention, I would say, between those which could be divided as "conservative" vs "progressive", or as Sowell labels it, the "Constrained" vs the "Unconstrained" world view. The conflicting visions often lead to differing interpretations of what amounts to a problem, but even when there is agreement on a problem, attempts to jointly approach it and/or prevent recurrence fail to launch.

I think this is true. And I wouldn't say that massive historical systems or movements are definitively disconnected from longstanding facets of human behavior. But it's almost impossible to imagine that these phenomena would, or could, have occurred without the material conditions in place at the time. In other words, the historical organization and development of a society are almost absolutely necessary in order for these longstanding facets to realize themselves in the way they did.

Another reason I'm uninterested in reducing or simplifying such phenomena to prehistoric facets of human behavior is that every single modern human behavior is reducible or traceable to purportedly prehistoric facets. If people get along with one another, we can trace it back; and if they kill one another, we can trace it back. Simply looking at human behavior doesn't explain why these phenomena were possible.
I'm down with this perspective. I think a lot of the disgruntled commentary coming from the "intellectual dark web" is, in fact, undermined by the very fact that such commentary exists:

In fact, all of the persecuted intellectuals appear constantly in major outlets with huge reach. Whether it’s Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson appearing on HBO’s Real Time, Christina Hoff Sommers writing for Slate, the Atlantic, and the New York Times, Milo going on CNN, Bret Weinstein being interviewed on FOX News, Andrew Sullivan being racist in New York magazine, Peterson getting invited on the NBC Nightly News, or Ben Shapiro being profiled in the New York Times, not one of these individuals ever seems to lack for a mainstream perch from which to squawk. It’s a strange kind of oppression in which silenced dissidents keep getting book deals, op-eds, sold-out speaking tours, lucrative Patreons, millions of YouTube views, and sympathetic profiles in the world’s leading newspapers. How much more attention do they want? How much freer can speech be? Weiss’ article itself pushes the absurdity to its limits. It features half a dozen staged photographs of its subjects moodily lurking amidst topiaries, and is the longest piece yet in Weiss’ ongoingseries on the illiberalism and repressiveness of the left. As one commenter put it, Weiss’ argument is “that unseen forces are preventing her and those like her from making the exact arguments that she’s making, right now, in the exact venue where she’s making them, right now.”


I feel like the terms of the debate misconstrue what's actually happening. People like Peterson et al aren't so much peeved because they can't say certain things--in fact, they are saying the very things they're claiming they can't say.

They're peeved because people criticize them for saying the things they say. Now, I'll be the first to admit that some PC culture voices are in fact calling for silencing--i.e. they want these figures to not be able to say certain things. That is true; it's by no means as popularly rampant as they claim, but it's true. My concern is that they treat any objection to their comments as attempts at radical PC-censorship. If we agree that such censorship is democratically unethical (democratic in the sense of free and open discourse), then the most plausible interpretation of the IDW response is that they want censorship to stop; they think it should be, for lack of a better word, illegal (or prevented somehow).

From this angle, I see these people as basically perpetrating the same kind of democratically unethical ideas that they accuse their "censors" of doing. These people don't want free speech; they just want to be able to say whatever they want and not be criticized for it.
Asking to not have your talk shut down at a publicly-funded university by far-leftist protesters threatening and/or committing violence is not asking for freedom from criticism.
My only response is that that is a minimal slice of what is being discussed here. Has Sam Harris been chanted out of a talk? Has Shapiro? Has Peterson? Peterson's talks have been protested, but not cancelled--and if these people have the right to speak their minds, then so do the protesters who disagree with them.

The big names with talks cancelled have been Milo, Murray, and what's-his-name from Breitbart. Hell, Charles Murray spoke at Harvard and Yale last year. There isn't some nationwide pandemic of talks being shut down.
which of the dark webbers are saying they are oppressed? I feel like this is some weird strawman being made.

The campus thing seems to be a question centered around how impactful is twitter? and I'm sure Weiss or Sullivan feel twitter is very impactful after her recent gaffe (Sullivan's is just whatever). Are most / all exaggerating it for personal gain/security? Probably. Christ, Peterson is apparently making 10s of thousands per month off just patreon now.
Shapiro had at least one talk cancelled due to protesters disrupting it and causing safety issues. Charles Murray had a talk somewhere in Vermont where his car was attacked and his professor escort given a concussion. Probably not Sam Harris, although considering that he's far from a right-wing demagogue that doesn't say much. I don't count Peterson since he doesn't live in a country with freedom of speech, so what Canadian colleges do doesn't matter to me.
I don't count Peterson since he doesn't live in a country with freedom of speech, so what Canadian colleges do doesn't matter to me.

:rofl: ok then.

Looked more up on Shapiro, he has had a talk cancelled. Murray has as well, but he's also been hosted at major universities. Furthermore, some conservative group at UC Berkeley also hosted Shapiro, despite his complaints that another of his talks was cancelled.

The central point is that these people are complaining that their platforms are being taken away, which is far from true.

which of the dark webbers are saying they are oppressed? I feel like this is some weird strawman being made.

I feel that straw men may be coming from both angles--likely, in fact. Robinson isn't quoting any of them directly, but is appealing to a piece written about them.

But yes, I do think that part of the general sentiment underlying a lot of their speech is that they're being told they can't say what they want to say, when in fact they are saying what they want to say. Straw men abound here as well because they paint themselves as free speech underdogs whose ideas are being silenced, when that's not really what's happening. I feel that it's less part of any argument against the other side and more the cultivation of a media persona.

And I also feel like they aren't really interested in open debate either; they're interested in media exposure and having platforms from which to give speeches about their ideas. It could be said that I haven't bothered to read Jordan Peterson's book (because I haven't); but it can also be said that he hasn't read any of the "postmodern Marxists" that he criticizes (because he hasn't; his knowledge comes from one negative book written about postmodernism, if I recall correctly).

So, no one really wants to have a debate. They all just want to kick and scream and feel giddy at making others squirm.
But yes, I do think that part of the general sentiment underlying a lot of their speech is that they're being told they can't say what they want to say, when in fact they are saying what they want to say. Straw men abound here as well because they paint themselves as free speech underdogs whose ideas are being silenced, when that's not really what's happening. I feel that it's less part of any argument against the other side and more the cultivation of a media persona.

And I also feel like they aren't really interested in open debate either; they're interested in media exposure and having platforms from which to give speeches about their ideas. It could be said that I haven't bothered to read Jordan Peterson's book (because I haven't); but it can also be said that he hasn't read any of the "postmodern Marxists" that he criticizes (because he hasn't; his knowledge comes from one negative book written about postmodernism, if I recall correctly).

So, no one really wants to have a debate. They all just want to kick and scream and feel giddy at making others squirm.

This might surprise you but I'm increasingly of the same sentiment across the board. Rubin's schtick is already old and the show has been mostly an exercise in mutual masturbation about the same topic (omg illiberalism!) rather than discussing broad ideas. Peterson is strong when he sticks to psychology, and I think he's mostly accidentally right when he strays from there - but he tends not to stick as much to the psychology when he gives speeches compared with his various videos/webchats. I assume that's because the draw for the speeches is the more inflammatory stuff. Shapiro may be good as a debater (although I don't much care for him), but you so rarely see him in a true debate. Knocking down the tweet level talking points of college undergrads probably makes him feel good, but it's an unfair fight. Furthermore, preaching to the choir in the internet age gets old.

In short, media personalities rapidly become grating to me as they usually have 1 or 2 hobby horses and never enlarge the proverbial stable. I don't understand the cult of personality.
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